If you face charges for a second offense DWI in University Park, you could pay up to $4,000 in monetary fines and spend as long as one year in jail. The state might also suspend your license for as long as two years.
A second offense DWI lawyer in University Park from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg understands the importance of fighting these serious charges. Our legal team will protect your rights and fight to get these charges reduced or dismissed.
Call 214-696-9253 today for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation and case review.
Potential Penalties for a Second Offense DWI in University Park
For a second offense DWI, the prosecutor will pursue at least a Class A misdemeanor charge. However, you could easily face felony criminal charges for this offense.
For a Class A misdemeanor charge, penalties are as follows:
- Monetary fine of up to $4,000
- Jail sentence of up to 1 year
- License suspension of up to 2 years
You must also pay court costs and fees and attend a mandatory alcohol safety course. The court will require you to perform community service. You may have to attend substance abuse counseling at your own cost. You will also have to install an ignition interlock system on any vehicle that you own. To get your license back, you must pay an annual surcharge of up to $2,000 for three years.
If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was 0.15 or above, you will face felony charges for your second offense DWI. Likewise, if you had an open container in your car or a passenger age 14 or younger, you will also face felony charges.
Your criminal record will reflect your second DWI conviction, making it even harder for you to get car insurance, get a job, rent a home, or hold a professional license.
A Second Offense DWI Lawyer Can Help You Fight These Serious Charges
Before you agree to enter a guilty plea on these serious charges, consider hearing what a University Park DWI lawyer has to say about your case.
When you trust the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg to help you fight drunk driving charges, we will provide you with the following services.
Protecting Your Legal Rights
Any violations of your legal rights can provide a powerful defense strategy. We will ensure the protection of your legal rights during every portion of your case.
Challenging the Validity of Breathalyzer or Blood Testing for BAC
Too many opportunities exist for errors and false-positive results in blood and breath testing. Our team will look for problems that could result send you to jail in error.
Identifying Potential Legal Defense Strategies
We will base our legal strategies on the facts and evidence in your case. However, we can question whether the police had reasonable suspicion to stop your car or probable cause to place you under arrest.
Get the Prosecutor to Reduce or Dismiss Your Charges
Our primary goal is to convince the prosecutor to reduce your DWI charges or, if possible, have them dismissed by the court. If we do not succeed, we will build the most robust possible case to defend you in court.
Answer Your Questions and Explore Your Options
Our legal team will be there for you, to answer your questions and help you explore your options.
Our team will put our network of resources to work for you and work diligently to help achieve the most favorable outcome for your case.
Second Offense DWI Driver’s License Suspension Hearing
Our legal team will also represent you at your driver’s license suspension hearing. This civil proceeding, called the Administrative License Revocation (ALR) hearing, is conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS).
Upon your arrest for a second offense DWI, the ALR process begins. An administrative law judge oversees the process, hears sworn testimony, and reviews relevant evidence to determine the outcome.
Although the ALR process takes place separately from the criminal portion of your trial, the two processes are related in an important way. Our work on your behalf will serve two primary purposes:
Protect Your Driver’s License
Our overarching goal while representing you in your license suspension proceedings is to protect your ability to drive.
To accomplish this, we will make the strongest possible case on your behalf. If the judge rules to suspend your license, we can file an appeal or petition the court to award you a provisional license. A provisional license will allow you to go to work or school and perform necessary personal errands.
Strengthen Your Criminal Case
The evidence TxDPS presents during the ALR process is the same evidence the prosecutor will use to build the state’s criminal case against you.
We have the legal right to obtain this evidence as a part of your ALR defense. We can also subpoena witnesses, such as the arresting officer in your case. By compelling the officer to testify at your license suspension hearing, we will question him under oath to determine the strength of the prosecutor’s case. This helps us bolster the strength of your criminal defense.
Call Today for a Free Consultation: 214-696-9253
Criminal defense attorney Randall Isenberg has more than 30 years of experience in the Texas criminal justice system, including time as both a state court judge and chief felony prosecutor. This provides an invaluable depth of knowledge and insight that lets our team get the job done for you.
To answer your questions and help you make informed decisions about your case, we offer a free consultation for individuals facing second offense DWI charges in University Park.
You do not have to face these serious criminal charges alone. For your complimentary case review, contact us today at 214-696-9253.