A driving while intoxicated (DWI) conviction has the potential to destroy your reputation and make your life much more difficult. A University Park DWI marijuana lawyer can fight on your behalf to reduce your sentence and potentially allow you to keep your license.
For more information about how we can help, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at (214) 696-9253. The initial consultation is free.
Marijuana Can Affect How a Person Drives on the Road
Marijuana was among several substances studied by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in their 2013-2014 roadside survey. According to their report, 21.2 percent of drivers who took a blood test had some kind of drug, such as marijuana, in their system during nighttime hours on the weekend, while 21.6 percent tested positive for drugs during daytime hours throughout the week.
However, it is important to keep these results in perspective. Your body does not process marijuana in the same way as alcohol. The NHTSA clarifies in their report that, in some cases, marijuana can stay in the bloodstream for weeks after use. So, even if a blood test shows traces of marijuana in a driver’s system, this is no guarantee that they were “high” while driving, or that they used the drug right before getting behind the wheel.
While the NHTSA states there is currently little evidence to suggest that marijuana use impacts a person’s ability to drive, marijuana can affect the human body in ways similar to alcohol. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out that marijuana can affect your:
- Decision-making skills
- Memory
- Coordination
- Reaction time
The CDC also suggests that there have yet to be conclusive studies that show whether marijuana increases a driver’s risk of getting into a motor vehicle accident. Also, if a driver consumed both alcohol and marijuana, it may be difficult to determine which substance affected the driver more.
If you were charged with a DWI for marijuana use in University Park, Texas, you do not have to take on the legal system by yourself. A University Park DWI marijuana lawyer can represent you and make sure that your rights are protected. Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at (214) 696-9253 for a free consultation.
The Penalties for a DWI Marijuana Charge Can Be Severe
As laid out in the Texas Health and Safety Code § 481.120–481.122, it is illegal to possess marijuana or deliver it to others. Depending on how much marijuana you are caught carrying and what you were doing with it, you risk being sentenced to years in prison and/or given tens of thousands of dollars in fines. If you are caught driving with marijuana in your blood, you may be charged with driving while intoxicated.
Fines, Jail Time, and More
According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the penalties for a first DWI offense include:
- Losing your license for up to a year
- Up to 6 months in jail
- Up to $2,000 in fines
The more times you are convicted, the more serious the penalties become. By your third conviction, you could face up to $10,000 in fines, up to a decade of jail time, and up to two years without a driver’s license. This is in addition to the expense and inconvenience of appearing in court and paying court fees.
Ignition Interlocks
In some cases, you may also have to have an ignition interlock installed in your car. This may make it impossible for you to operate your car if you have been drinking.
According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), ignition interlocks require you to pay for a restricted interlock license and reinstatement fees once your sentence is complete. This may put even more of a burden on you if you are convicted of a DWI.
Your Criminal Record
In addition to these immediate concerns, it is important to remember that removing a DWI conviction from your record is impossible. Even after you have served your sentence, prospective employers, landlords, and others will be able to look up your record and make judgments based on your conviction. This may affect both your life and your reputation.
Our Team Works Hard to Protect Your Rights
At Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we believe that everyone deserves a fair chance and a lawyer who believes in them. This is especially true in DWI cases, where you risk losing your driver’s license and ending up with a permanent stain on your criminal record. Because the consequences of a DWI conviction are so far-reaching, it is important to protect yourself in every way you can. This may include hiring a lawyer.
After carefully reviewing your case, your lawyer can explain your options and potential strategies for how to help you. There are several ways we can approach your case. We can fight for:
- Dismissal: The best-case scenario is getting your charges dismissed altogether. This may happen if we can prove that the arresting officer did not have sufficient cause to pull you over or violated your rights in some other way.
- Reduction of charges: If we can convince a judge to reduce your charges (e.g., from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class B misdemeanor), you may face more lenient penalties.
- Your rights: No matter who you are or what charges you face, you are entitled to certain basic rights. We will protect your rights wherever and however we can.
Being charged with any crime is frightening, especially when the potential penalties are as severe as they are in drunk driving cases. Your lawyer can clarify your situation, explain your rights, and represent you to the fullest extent possible.
Do not let a DWI marijuana conviction upend your life. With over 30 years of experience as a judge and a lawyer, Randall B. Isenberg knows how to defend your rights. Call our office at (214) 696-9253 for a free consultation and learn about how a University Park DWI marijuana lawyer can help you.