Have you been arrested for assault in McKinney, Texas? If the answer is yes, your next move can have a massive impact on the outcome of your case. Assault is a violent crime, and assault convictions can mean jail time and fines. This is in addition to the damage having a criminal record will do to your good name. That’s why selecting the McKinney criminal defense lawyer who fights your charges is such an important decision.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg has over thirty years of experience fighting criminal cases like assault. Our firm was founded by Attorney Randall B. Isenberg after he spent nearly a decade serving as a District Court Judge and Chief Felony Prosecutor for Dallas County. He is also board-certified in criminal defense. We understand how the criminal justice system works, and we have experience winning assault cases.
How Can a McKinney Assault Lawyer Help You?
A McKinney assault lawyer can help you by building a defense that establishes reasonable doubt in the mind of the jury. To be lawfully convicted of assault, the prosecutor must show that you “knowingly” meant to cause harm, or the alleged victim had reason to believe they were in danger.
If we can persuade one jury member that your actions don’t meet the legal definition of assault, we could get a not guilty verdict or a mistrial. There are other potential defenses against assault charges, one of which is self-defense. Here, we can review the police report and interview witnesses from your arrest.
If we can demonstrate that you were acting in defense of yourself or your property, one or more jurors may vote for acquittal. It’s also possible that you were wrongly identified as the suspect. We will search exhaustively for exculpatory evidence that proves you didn’t do the crime or weren’t at the scene. If successful, your case may be dismissed for lack of evidence.
We Take a Comprehensive Approach to Assault Defense
Your McKinney assault lawyer will do more than just challenge the prosecution’s evidence. We will also present a strong case on your behalf. That includes locating eyewitnesses or video footage of the assault that can prove you were not the aggressor. We may also call character witnesses who can testify that you have no history of assault or violent crimes.
We will prepare you (and any witnesses) both for our own testimony and the rigors of cross-examination. Our law firm will keep track of trial dates, filing deadlines, and all the administrative aspects of fighting your case. We are going to put our full effort into presenting the strongest possible case while also making sure you are well informed about what the criminal justice process entails.
The Legal Definition of Assault in McKinney Explained
Texas’ penal code has a longer list of activities that constitute assault than many people might realize. Yes, you can be arrested for assault for violently striking another person with the intention to do harm. However, you can also be arrested for assault if the police believed that you:
- Acted recklessly in a manner that could have potentially hurt another human being
- Made or initiated unwanted physical contact with another person, causing them to believe the contact was aggressive or threatening
- Threatening to do bodily harm to another person, even if you didn’t intend to follow through
Officers on the scene who respond to calls involving potential assault have a great deal of discretion about making an arrest. If they believe your actions fit the legal definition of assault, you can be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor or “simple” assault. This criminal offense is punishable by:
- Up to one year in jail
- A fine of up to $4,000
Other extenuating factors could compound the charges you face. We take the time to understand your situation and examine any circumstances that could elevate your criminal charges.
We Protect You From Felony Assault Charges
Felony assault also has many potential definitions in Texas. What would normally be charged as a Class B or “simple” assault charge can be classified as a third-degree felony if the victim is:
- A current or former romantic partner
- A person with familial relations
- A person who shares or resides in the same home as the accused
- A McKinney City, Collin County, or Texas State employee who was carrying out official duties at the time of the assault
These offenses would be punishable by between two and 10 years in jail and fines up to $10,000. No matter whether your case is a felony charge or misdemeanor charge, your assault lawyer will work tirelessly to plan an effective defense that gives you the best possible chance at a case dismissal, an acquittal, or another positive outcome.
Our McKinney Lawyers Have a History of Winning Assault Cases
A conviction for a violent crime will do long-lasting damage to your reputation. Almost every time you apply for a new job, apartment, or even a home loan, the conviction will come up on your record. It is unfortunate that you would have to continually pay for your past, but that is the world we live in. That’s why choosing a criminal defense attorney is so important.
Just like your record matters, your lawyer’s record also matters. Our team has a proven history of winning assault cases in courtrooms all over Texas. When your physical freedom and reputation are on the line, being represented by a proven winner can make a difference.
Get Your Free Case Consultation With Our Criminal Defense Law Firm
Being charged with assault in McKinney is one of the most serious situations anyone can face in their life. If it happens to you, your choice of lawyers to represent you in court may be the most important decision you will ever make. The outcome of your case will echo for years, if not decades, afterward. We want you to make the best decision possible.
Our office is happy to offer you a free initial consultation. We founded this firm to serve members of the community when they are in situations like yours. Call us today, and let us give you the legal representation you deserve.