If police arrested you for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Irving, Texas, you will face automatic license revocation. The process that ends with the loss of your driving privileges begins at the time of your arrest, so it is imperative you act quickly to fight it.
Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today to learn how we may be able to help you keep your license. You can reach our team at 214-696-9253.
Understanding the Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Program in Texas
In Texas, every DWI or other related drunk driving arrest comes with an automatic suspension of your driving privileges. This is known as the Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Program. You could lose your license for 90 days to two years following a DWI arrest.
Your ALR begins on the 40th day following your DWI arrest, unless you appeal the decision and present strong evidence to prove to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) that you were not driving drunk or drugged. We can help you fight your ALR.
Enlist Our Help Fighting Your Driver’s License Revocation Immediately
If you face arrest in Irving, Texas, on suspicion of DWI or another drunk driving-related accusation, the arresting officer will take your license and issue you a temporary permit. This serves as your notice of the state’s administrative license revocation policy. From this time, you will have 15 days to request an ALR hearing and fight the automatic revocation of your license.
Because you only have a short period of time to stop the state from taking away your driving privileges, it is imperative that you reach out to our team right away. Call us in the first days following your arrest and let us go to work on your administrative case as well as your Texas criminal case. You can reach the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg by calling 214-696-9253 today.
You Can Continue to Drive Until Your ALR Appeals Hearing
If you contact us with sufficient time to do so, we will request an appeals hearing on your behalf. Within a few days, you should receive a letter in the mail indicating the date and time of your hearing. You may need to wait several months before the date of your ALR appeals hearing arrives.
The temporary permit that police issued to you will allow you to continue to drive during this time. You can continue to drive until we know the outcome of your ALR hearing and confirm the decision made by the administrative law judge. Even if we do not believe we have a strong enough case to win your ALR hearing, this extension can be of great benefit to some of our clients.
What to Expect During Your ALR Appeals Hearing After an Irving, TX Arrest
Once the date and time of your ALR hearing arrive, attorney Randy Isenberg will go with you to the hearing. These are often held at the State Office of Administrative Hearings. During your hearing, a representative from the Texas Department of Safety will present the evidence they have to show you drove while intoxicated and broke the state’s DWI law.
An ALR hearings lawyer in Irving, TX will get an opportunity to present the facts we uncovered and the defense we prepared. The Judge overseeing your hearing will consider all of this.
While they may decide on the spot, we typically do not learn about the Judge’s decision immediately. Instead, they issue an official decision about your appeal via mail. If they rule on our behalf, you will not face the ALR. If they side with the Texas DPS, we can file an appeal if necessary and with strong evidence. In most cases, it is a better choice to move our focus on to the criminal case against you.

ALR Challenges Provide Additional Benefits Even If We Lose the Appeal
Even in cases when the Judge sides with the Texas Department of Public Safety and rules that they have enough evidence to show you drove under the influence of drugs or alcohol, we gain significant benefits by appealing your ALR. This is true even if they revoke your driver’s license.
Primarily, we get a sneak peek at the case prosecutors have against you. We see how they use any possible evidence to try to build a case for a conviction. By knowing their approach ahead of time, we have more time to counter it and develop a strong argument that challenges their assumptions.

We May Be Able to Help You Get Limited Driving Privileges
Texas allows you to petition for an occupational license, sometimes called an essential need license, following an ALR or criminal conviction and license suspension. This license allows you to drive but only under certain conditions. You can:
- Drive to work
- Drive to school
- Perform essential household duties
An ALR-hearings lawyer in Irving, TX knows how to navigate this process, including getting a court order from the Justice of the Peace and completing additional steps to get the Department of Public Safety to issue your permit.
Talk to an ALR Hearings Lawyer in Irving, Texas
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we know how important your driving privileges are to you and your family. An automatic license revocation can cause problems at work, school, and home. Let an ALR hearings lawyer in Irving, TX fight the ALR on your behalf in addition to taking on your DWI case in Irving, TX. Call 214-696-9253 to learn more today.