When facing DWI charges in Rockwall, you risk fines, a criminal record, and even time in jail. But those are not the only challenges you will face. In addition to criminal proceedings, you must appear for an administrative license revocation (ALR) hearing. This civil proceeding determines whether you will lose or keep your driver’s license.
Having legal representation from an ALR suspended license lawyer in Rockwall can help protect your license.
Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at 214-696-9253 to find out how we can help you.
How Can an ALR Suspended License Lawyer Help You?
You could lose your driver’s license for up to one year for your first Rockwall DWI conviction — and up to two years for subsequent offenses.
An ALR suspended license lawyer can help protect your legal rights as well as your driving privileges and your permanent record. Some of the benefits that the team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can provide include the following:
- Requesting an ALR Hearing. Unless you comply precisely with the ALR procedures and requirements, you may never have the chance to have your hearing. Your attorney will ensure the correct scheduling of your hearing.
- Preparing You for the ALR Hearing. At the hearing, you must provide testimony under oath. The prosecutor can use any of this testimony against you in your criminal trial. Your lawyer will prepare you to ensure that you do not incriminate yourself or harm your case.
- Representing You at the ALR Hearing. Although ALR is an administrative (not criminal) proceeding, it requires that you, the arresting officer, and anyone else with evidence against you to testify under oath before an administrative law judge. The prosecution can use anything you say in court against you. You need an attorney to protect your interests.
- Fighting ALR License Suspension. The outcome of the ALR hearing will determine what happens with your license. Your lawyer will present your case to ensure the best possible outcome. If the judge does rule to suspend your license, your lawyer can immediately petition the court to obtain an occupational driver’s license for you (a limited license that allows you to drive back and forth to work, school, doctor’s appointments, and necessary personal errands).
- Discovery for Your Criminal Case. At the ALR hearing, your lawyer will have a critical first opportunity to learn what evidence the prosecutor has against you, and to question the arresting officer under oath. This provides your attorney with important insight for constructing a defense in your criminal case.
Throughout the process, Randall Isenberg will be there for you, providing support and counsel, answering your questions and ensuring that you understand your options and what they mean for your future.
How Does the Rockwall ALR Process Work?
When the police stop you on suspicion of drunk driving, the officer must establish probable cause to request a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test. Once the officer establishes probable cause (e.g., failing a field sobriety test), he will confiscate your driver’s license, which is the first step of the ALR process.
In exchange for your license, the officer will issue you Form DIC-25, Notice of Suspension Temporary Driving Permit. This form serves as a temporary license and provides the information necessary to schedule your ALR hearing. If you fail to schedule the hearing, the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) will suspend your license for the maximum allowable period (typically one to two years, depending on your prior offenses).
Many people are not familiar with the 14-day time limit and, if you do not read the form carefully, you may miss this critical deadline.
Even if you miss the deadline, your ALR suspended license attorney can help fight to protect your license and driving privileges.
How Does ALR Differ from Your Rockwall DWI Charges?
DWI charges, regardless of whether they are a misdemeanor or felony, go through the court system.
The Texas Office of Administrative Hearings will handle the ALR hearing itself. You must schedule through TxDPS. You can request a hearing date in one of three ways: by submitting a request electronically on the TxDPS website, by mail, or by fax.
TxDPS will respond to your request by mail, using the address on your driver’s license.
If you no longer live at the address of record that TxDPS has for you, you may miss important scheduling information — and potentially your hearing. If you fail to appear for your hearing, TxDPS will suspend your license automatically, just as it will if you fail to request a hearing.
Protect Your License: Talk to an ALR Suspended License Lawyer Today
Attorney Randall Isenberg has more than 30 years’ experience as a DWI defense attorney, district judge, and chief felony prosecutor. This unique insider’s insight gives him the knowledge and experience you need.
We provide no-cost consultations to explain the process and help you make an informed decision for your future.
Call us today 214-696-9253 to learn more about how to protect your license after a Rockwall DWI charge.