A driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge is a serious offense with serious consequences that can negatively impact your social, personal, and professional life.
The loss of your driver’s license can:
- Make it impossible to drive yourself to and from work
- Threaten your job if you are a commercial driver
- Make transporting your family impossible
- Force you to rely on costly rideshare programs
If you are in danger of losing your license, it is important that you take protective actions as quickly as possible. A Carrollton ALR suspended license lawyer can help you retain your license and protect your future. If you are being charged with a DWI, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg without delay. You can get started by dialing (214) 696-9253 as soon as possible.
Avoid Getting Your License Suspended
If you have been arrested on a DWI charge, your driving privileges could be automatically suspended. Additionally, according to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), you may also be facing fines and jail time.
The Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) outlines its Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Program.
You could have your driver’s license suspended if you are arrested for a DWI and:
- You refused to have your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level tested.
- You failed a blood or breathalyzer test.
- You took a blood or breathalyzer test, but your BAC level was 0.08% or higher.
- You took a blood or breathalyzer test, but your BAC level was higher than 0.04%, and you were driving a commercial vehicle.
If you are arrested for a DWI and refuse to submit to a blood or breathalyzer test, the police officer at the scene will keep your driver’s license and give you a suspension notice and temporary driving permit. Within 15 days, you must request a hearing to retain your driver’s license. This step is important and cannot afford to be overlooked. Failure to request a hearing could mean your suspension becomes fully effective on the 40th day after being served notice.
A lawyer from our team will work with you to request a hearing so that you avoid having your driver’s license suspended.
Regaining Your Driving Privileges
When a police officer suspects you of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they may ask you to take a blood or breathalyzer test. If you agree to take a test, the police officer will not seize your driver’s license at that time. Instead, you will be allowed to keep your license until your test results are received.
If your test results indicate that your BAC level was higher than the allowable legal limit, you will receive a suspension notice in the mail. At that point, you have 20 days to request a hearing. If you do not request a hearing within the allotted time, your license is automatically suspended in 40 days.
The sooner we act, the better. If you want to preserve your driver’s license, and retain your driving privileges, contact a member of our team immediately after you are stopped by the police. Our team will work hard to help you keep your driver’s license and enable you to drive and fulfill your daily obligations.
Being Convicted of a DWI Can Impact Your Life
When your livelihood and your family life are dependent on your ability to provide transportation, even a temporary loss of your driver’s license can create problems in your daily life.
According to the TxDPS, if you refuse to comply with a request for a BAC test, possible driver’s license suspension times are as follows:
- First offense – 180 days
- Second offense – 2 years
If you comply with a request for a BAC test and your test results register a BAC level higher than the legal limit of 0.08%, possible driver’s license suspension times are as follows:
- First offense – 90 days
- Second offense – 1 year
The penalties implemented by the TxDPS can impact your day-to-day transportation needs. Do not risk the temporary loss of your driver’s license. A Carrollton ALR suspended license lawyer can help you schedule an ALR hearing within the allotted time. We can also assist you in gathering the evidence you need to retain your full driving privileges. Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg by calling (214) 696-9253 today.
We Start Building Your Case From the Moment You Are Pulled Over
When you are faced with a DWI arrest or conviction, you reasonably want to take steps to avoid the possible loss of your driver’s license.
When our team works with you to help you avoid the negative outcomes of a DWI, we can:
- Determine if the officer who pulled you over had a valid reason for doing so
- Make sure that none of your rights were violated
- Establish whether the state has any valid evidence against you
- Work to help you avoid jail time
- Look for any contradictions in the testimony or evidence provided against you
- Negotiate for a plea deal that lessens the charges against you
You are not alone in your fight for your driver’s license. Our team is committed to helping you minimize the damage of a suspended license to your reputation and career. Do not hesitate to call a member of our team when your license and your livelihood are at risk.
Let Us Help You Keep Your Driver’s License
Were you recently pulled over and charged with a DWI? If so, you have likely considered the negative impact that a suspended license could have on your life. You can avoid these implications by taking immediate action to preserve your driving privileges and protect your name in your community and workplace.
As soon as possible, contact our legal team to find out how a Carrollton ALR suspended license lawyer can help you request a hearing and challenge the charges against you. Call (214) 696-9253 to reach the legal team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today.