If you are convicted of assault in Balch Springs, Texas, you could be sentenced to jail or prison time and pay thousands of dollars in fines. You also will have a criminal record that could affect your future for years. However, you do have the right to mount a defense against the charges by hiring a Balch Springs assault lawyer.
The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg are ready to support you and give you the legal representation you deserve. Just because you face an assault charge doesn’t mean you can’t defend yourself against it. Our team will assert a strong defense and work tirelessly for a positive outcome. Our goal in every criminal case is to secure an acquittal or a case dismissal for our clients. You can reach out to us today for a free consultation to learn what steps you can take next.
What Is the Definition of Assault in Texas?
According to Texas Penal Code § 22.01, any one of the following constitutes assault:
- Any intentional, willful, or reckless act that results in another person (including a spouse) suffering a bodily injury.
- Making a willful, serious threat to cause bodily injury to another person (including a spouse)
- Willfully, intentionally making contact with another person (including a spouse) in a way a reasonable person would perceive as a threat or aggression.
Most people realize they can be charged with assault for hitting another person. But it could surprise them to learn they can face an assault charge after making a threat or shoving someone in the heat of the moment. Any of these crimes can be charged as simple assault, a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000.
Assault Can Also Be a Felony Charge in Balch Springs
Simple assault may be a misdemeanor, but under certain circumstances, assault can be a felony charge. For example, if the person in the assault case is a family member, spouse (or former spouse), or a public employee performing their job at the time of the incident, assault can be upgraded from a Class A misdemeanor to a third-degree felony.
Third-degree felonies in Texas are punishable by a prison sentence of between two and 10 years and a fine of up to $10,000. However, prison time is not the only potential consequence of a felony assault conviction. According to federal law, anyone convicted of an offense with a punishment of more than one year in prison cannot possess a firearm. This means you could lose your Second Amendment rights.
You could also have difficulty securing employment and housing opportunities with a felony offense on your record. These are the kinds of consequences our assault lawyer serving Balch Springs will work to help you avoid. We want to help you maintain your freedom and protect your future.
Possible Defenses in a Balch Springs Assault Case
A Balch Springs assault lawyer could use several potential defenses on your behalf. If you are the victim of mistaken identity or wrongly accused of assault, a criminal defense attorney will work to develop a defense that proves your case. We will look for witnesses or forensic evidence, such as surveillance footage or cell phone location data, proving you were not at the scene when the crime occurred.
Defending yourself, another person, or your property is also a potential defense against assault. The law does not require you to just take a beating or submit to unlawful force by an aggressor. A Balch Springs assault lawyer can use the police report and other documents to locate witnesses who could testify on your behalf. Regardless of the allegations you face, we will ensure you tell your side of the story and build the strongest defense possible.
Our Balch Springs Assault Lawyers Have Decades of Criminal Law Experience
Before our managing attorney Randall B. Isenberg founded this firm, he served as a state district court judge and a senior chief felony prosecutor. This means your Balch Springs assault lawyer will know both sides of the courtroom and how the perspectives of various players, including the prosecutor and the judge, could affect your case. We’ll draw from our legal experience to determine how to approach the legal matter. We can look at the prosecutors’ case and evidence for weaknesses.
We have secured case dismissals or acquittals for dozens of clients in assault cases and want to do the same for you. A Balch Springs assault attorney with our firm can also explore options for reduced charges. However, we will fight the case in court if we can’t reach a deal in your best interest.
Get a Free Case Evaluation About a Balch Springs, TX, Assault Case – Call Today
Facing an assault charge is a frightening experience for many, and the prospect of serving jail time plus paying fines can only make it even scarier. If you’re in this situation, the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg wants you to know we’re here for you. We want to fight the charge and help you put this situation behind you.
Charges and allegations do not automatically translate to guilt. If you’d like to know more about how a Balch Springs assault lawyer from our firm can help, contact us for a case consultation. We will do everything we can to achieve a favorable outcome for you. However, we can’t fight for you if you don’t call us. Reach out to our team today to learn about your next steps.