If you have been arrested and charged with assault in Coppell, Texas, you face a situation that could negatively affect the rest of your life. Jail or prison time and court fines are two possible outcomes of a conviction, but potential punishment could be worse. People convicted of violent crimes can have trouble moving on from the offense because they now have a permanent criminal record.
A Coppell assault lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can defend you against the charges and work toward a favorable case outcome, such as an acquittal, a case dismissal, or reduced charges. Randall B. Isenberg, a former state district judge and chief felony prosecutor, leads our firm with more than 30 years of experience, and our Coppell criminal defense lawyers can navigate the legal process for you and protect your rights and interests. You can call us today for a free and private consultation about your case.
How Can You Be Charged With Assault in Coppell, TX?
Many people think an assault charge happens only if it involves a violent act, such as punching someone in the face. However, this isn’t the case. As Texas Penal Code § 22.01 outlines, any of the following actions could result in an assault charge:
- intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another, including the person’s spouse.
- intentionally or knowingly threatening another with imminent bodily injury, including the person’s spouse.
- intentionally or knowingly causing physical contact with another when the person knows or should reasonably believe the other person will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.
This means something as seemingly minor as a push or raised voice during an argument over a parking space can result in an assault charge, which comes with lasting consequences if a conviction follows. A Coppell assault lawyer can review the situation and determine how to build a defense strategy that could lead to reduced or dropped charges.
Board-Certified Coppell Assault Lawyer
It’s one thing to have an attorney, but it’s another entirely to have an attorney who has criminal law experience. Attorney Randall B. Isenberg is board certified in criminal defense by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He understands how to build cases in his client’s defense and also to challenge the prosecution’s case. These advantages could tilt the odds in your favor.
Our firm’s criminal defense attorneys will take a comprehensive look at the evidence against you and come up with a specific defense strategy that is appropriate for your case. Part of that plan includes:
- Interviewing witnesses
- Critically reviewing the prosecution’s evidence
- Preparing your trial strategy, if necessary
- Filing motions to get improperly discovered evidence thrown out of court.
- Ensuring you are ready for trial
- Defending you at trial to clear your name
We will represent you at any pretrial hearings and seek alternatives to conviction with the prosecutor. If there are holes or weak points in the prosecution’s case, our Coppell assault attorneys will find them. We also know how to use procedural errors and weak points to negotiate for reduced charges. We will use all our experience and resources to get the best outcome for you, as our case results show we’ve done for other clients.
Penalties for a Simple Assault Conviction in Coppell, TX
Some offenses are “simple” assault cases in Texas. However, even “simple” assault convictions can complicate your lives in ways you can’t possibly imagine. A simple assault charge is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by the following:
- Up to one year in jail
- A fine of up to $4,000
However, there are more severe circumstances under which assault can be charged as a felony. Some of those circumstances include:
- An assault committed against a family member, housemate, or current or former romantic partner.
- An assault committed against a Coppell city, Texas state or county employee in the act of conducting official business.
A conviction on either offense could result in a third-degree felony charge, which is punishable by between two and 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Aggravated Assault in Coppell, Texas
Aggravated assault is one of the most serious assault-related offenses. You can be charged with aggravated assault if authorities believe you caused severe bodily injury to the victim and/or used a weapon during the commission of the crime. Depending on the severity of the victim’s injuries, aggravated assault can be charged as a first- or second-degree felony. The penalties are as follows:
- Second-degree felony: Two to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
- First-degree felony: Five to 99 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Other Consequences of Assault Convictions in Texas
Prison time and fines are only part of the punishment you can face for a Coppell assault conviction. Current federal law makes it illegal for anyone convicted of a violent offense to buy or own a gun in Texas or anywhere else.
The conviction will also come up on routine background screenings for things like real estate rentals or job applications and eligibility checks for professional licenses. In most cases, the conviction will prevent you from getting the job, credit, or housing opportunity you want.
Family court judges may also view the conviction as grounds to deny or restrict your custody rights. This is all part of why your Coppell assault lawyer will fight as hard as possible to keep you from a conviction. One unfortunate incident shouldn’t haunt you for the rest of your life.
Possible Defenses a Coppell Assault Lawyer Could Use
Assault is a serious crime, but every assault charge is not necessarily an open and shut case. A Coppell assault lawyer has numerous potential defenses they can raise to defend you against assault charges. One of those is self-defense. You have a right under the law to use reasonable force to defend yourself and your family against a physical attack.
If your assault charge involves actions you took to defend yourself, your attorney could make a persuasive case against a conviction. Other common defenses in assault cases include mistaken identity, accidental injury, consent to fight, or a strong alibi that shows the defendant was elsewhere when the alleged assault took place.
Call Us Today for Help From a Coppell Assault Lawyer
An assault charge is no laughing matter. If you’ve been arrested on a charge involving this crime, you could face jail or prison time and other consequences. That’s why it’s so important to act promptly to secure legal representation that can protect your rights and future.
A Coppell assault lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg is ready to develop your defense strategy. Contact our office for a free case evaluation. We’re ready to fight for you.