The main expenses of an expunction (also called an expungement) in Dallas, DFW, Fort Worth Texas are the court costs and attorney fees. Court costs vary by the various courthouses. The amount of your attorney fees will depend on how complicated your case is and how much work the lawyer has to do to get…
Interesting Question Asked On Our Chat System: Will mushroom gummies cause a false positive for a breathalyzer?

Q: Will mushroom gummies cause a false positive for a breathalyzer? A: Mushroom gummies, especially those containing psilocybin mushrooms, typically wouldn’t cause a false positive on a breathalyzer test. Breathalyzers are designed to detect ethanol (alcohol) in the breath, not compounds found in mushrooms. However, some substances can potentially affect results in unexpected ways, but…
Thank you Mr. Boston for your review of our Criminal Defense Law Office!
Your reviews mean the world to us and we thank each and every client personally when they support us and provide positive feed back. Waymonn Boston says: They were very professional and gave me much information. They were also very affordable ! Thank you Mr. Boston! Our Criminal justice attorney in Dallas, Texas Google Business…
Randall Blair Isenberg Announces Scholarship Winner

RL, a first-year marketing student and aspiring corporate lawyer, is the 2023 winner of the annual Alcohol Addiction Awareness Scholarship hosted by the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. RL entered the scholarship due to her own personal experience of watching family members and friends succumb to the lasting consequences of alcohol addiction. RL Suggests…
R.B. Isenberg Announces Scholarship Winner – Abena Boateng

Applications for the Randall Blair Isenberg Alcohol Addiction Scholarship 2022 closed in June, and after much review and evaluation, the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg would like to announce this year’s winner: Abena Boateng! Boateng will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship for her essay, which detailed her volunteer work at the University of Texas…