Q: Will mushroom gummies cause a false positive for a breathalyzer?
A: Mushroom gummies, especially those containing psilocybin mushrooms, typically wouldn’t cause a false positive on a breathalyzer test. Breathalyzers are designed to detect ethanol (alcohol) in the breath, not compounds found in mushrooms. However, some substances can potentially affect results in unexpected ways, but this is generally rare. If you’re concerned about drug testing or potential interactions, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or testing expert.
In general, though, shrooms don’t show up on most routine drug tests. The body also metabolizes shrooms too fast for them to show up in blood or saliva tests (unless the test is done within a few hours of consumption). A 2021 review of research suggested that they’re barely detectable after 6 hours.
Driving while under influence is never recommended! Always make the right choice when it comes to other people’s safety on the road.