In McKinney, criminal charges of any kind can put you behind bars and leave you with a permanent record. You will have to navigate the complexities of the Texas criminal justice system and make potentially life-altering decisions.
A criminal defense lawyer in McKinney can help protect your legal rights and guide you through this legal quagmire.
Attorney Randall Isenberg has invested more than three decades into the criminal justice system, serving as a chief felony prosecutor, state district court judge, and criminal defense attorney.
Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at 214-696-9253 to put our legal team’s knowledge and experience to work for you.
How Does Having a Criminal Defense Lawyer Benefit You?
You cannot rely on the police or the prosecutor to protect your legal rights. When you choose the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, know that is our priority.
Whether the police have placed you under arrest or requested a statement from you — or even if you believe they are just investigating you — your rights may be at risk. The longer you wait, hoping the situation may resolve itself, to more you put your future in jeopardy.
If you put our legal team to work on your behalf early enough, we can take a proactive stance with the prosecutor. In many cases, we may negotiate for reduced charges or even convince the prosecutor not to file charges at all.
We put our extensive network of resources to work for you, analyzing the evidence to identify any problems with your case. We use this information to negotiate with the prosecution team or, if necessary, build a h2 case to defend you in court.
We know how a conviction can change your life, and we will ensure that you understand as well. We will discuss your options with you so that you can make the best possible choices. We will stand by your side throughout the process, so you will not have to face this ordeal alone.
Our Areas of McKinney Criminal Defense
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg represents McKinney clients in the following areas.
Family & Domestic Violence
A domestic violence conviction can affect your entire life, costing you your job, your standing in the community, and potentially even the custody of your children. Our legal team can interview witnesses and get to the truth about the accusations against you.
Weapons & Firearms Offenses
Prosecutors often use firearms and weapons possession as a way to pursue more serious criminal charges than you might otherwise face (e.g., elevating an assault or battery charge to aggravated assault or battery). Let our legal team get ahead of the prosecution to help negotiate the charges down or pursue one of the many other legal strategies we can utilize for a weapons charge.

Both DWI (driving while intoxicated) and BWI (boating while intoxicated) carry the potential for jail or prison time, significant monetary fines, and driver’s license suspension. Felony DWI or BWI can potentially carry a life sentence, depending on the situation. Let our DWI lawyer protect your legal rights and work to achieve the best possible outcome in your drunk driving or boating case.
We also handle underage DWI and DUI cases.

ALR Suspended License Hearings
You rely on your driver’s license to get to work or school and to tend to important personal tasks such as medical appointments. Our legal team can represent you at your DMV hearing to fight for your right to retain your driving privileges. If the state already suspended your license, we can work to get it reinstated or to obtain a restricted license, so you can drive to work, the grocery store, the bank, etc.
Challenging Blood & Breathalyzer Test Results for BAC
Even if you had a positive chemical test for blood alcohol concentration (BAC), the prosecution is not guaranteed a conviction. Our legal team can challenge both breathalyzer and blood test results related to DWI, felony DWI, and BWI, based on violations of your legal rights or errors in the testing procedure.
Probation Violations
If the court has revoked your probation or deferred adjudication agreement, or if you believe you might have committed a violation, our legal team can work with the court to get your probation reinstated or negotiate a new agreement. We will also work to protect your legal rights, which become limited upon a probation violation.
Prostitution & Sex Crimes
A prostitution or sex crimes charge can be embarrassing, however, that is the least of your worries. Having a sex crimes conviction on your record can interfere with your ability to get a job or rent a home. You will also have to register as a sex offender, potentially for life.
We work diligently to protect your good name and reputation against sex crime accusations.
Assault, Murder & Other Violent Crimes
In McKinney, you may spend decades or even life in prison upon conviction of assault, murder, or another violent crime. Our criminal defense team will work quickly to negotiate with the prosecutor to have your charges reduced or dismissed, or, if necessary, mount the h2est possible legal defense in court.
Expunction & Non-Disclosure
Your criminal record can affect the rest of your life unless you are able to get it expunged or sealed. We can help you navigate the process.
Talk to a Criminal Defense Lawyer in McKinney Today at No Cost
Regardless of the charges you face, our legal team understands how to help. Before you attempt to face your criminal charges alone, contact us for a complimentary consultation to see how we can assist you.
The National Board of Trial Advocacy has certified Attorney Randall Isenberg as a criminal defense advocate. He also carries a criminal defense certification from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. His experience as both a judge and prosecutor provides unique and powerful insight that he will put to work on your behalf.
Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation appointment with a McKinney criminal defense lawyer: 214-696-9253.