In Texas, criminal charges carry significant consequences. Depending on the offense, you may face large fines, jail time, and the very real prospect of having a permanent criminal record. If you are facing criminal charges, you need a criminal defense lawyer in Rockwall who can help you navigate the complex and daunting legal system. You need a legal professional who can protect your rights as well as your future.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg represents clients facing charges on a variety of criminal offenses. We provide compassionate counsel, protect your legal rights, and give you hope for a positive outcome in your case.
Contact us today at 214-696-9253 to get started.
How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Rockwall, TX Help My Case?
If the police have contacted you, arrested you, or have you under investigation for a crime, you need a criminal defense lawyer to protect your legal rights.
Do not wait and hope that this will go away because, the longer you wait, the harder it becomes to build a strong case for your defense. In many cases, your lawyer can intervene before the prosecutor files charges, helping you avoid a trial or criminal record.
If your lawyer cannot persuade the prosecution to drop the charges, we will obtain and analyze the evidence in your case, to identify any potential weaknesses or violations of your rights. Armed with this information, we can negotiate with the prosecutor for a reduction or dismissal of the criminal charges.
If the prosecutor will not cooperate, we can go to work building the strongest possible case for your defense and fight for your future in court.
What Types of Cases Does Randall B. Isenberg Handle?
Some of the most important aspects of criminal defense are those that carry the harshest penalties. People facing criminal charges in Rockwall have legal rights and deserve an advocate who will ensure their protection. Randall and his team handle the following cases in Rockwall:
DWI & Felony DWI
In Texas, a DWI or felony DWI conviction can haunt you for life, with jail time, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record. We can work to have your charges reduced or dismissed, or mount a vigorous defense in court.
ALR & Suspended License Hearings
Losing your driver’s license can prevent you from getting to work or school. We can represent you in the ALR process to help you keep your license — or get it back, if you already had a suspension.

Breathalyzer & Blood Tests for BAC
Failing a breath or blood test does not mean an automatic conviction for DWI. We can explore the potential that the police violated your legal rights by failing to obtain evidence legally.

Expunction & Non-Disclosure
Having a criminal record can affect every aspect of your life, preventing you from getting a job, renting a house, or holding many professional licenses. We can work with you to explore any legal opportunities to have your record expunged or sealed.
Probation Violations
Probation violations can put you behind bars. If you violate your probation — or if the state alleges that you violated probation — you need an attorney like Randall to go to work immediately to resolve the problem.
Weapons Offenses
Although Texas has fairly reasonable weapons laws, prosecutors can pursue these charges as an enhancement to other offenses. Randall and his team will work quickly to help you avoid more serious penalties or even the potential of federal weapons charges.
Family & Domestic Violence
Domestic or family violence charges can happen to anyone. However, false or exaggerated allegations can upheave your entire life. We can work to identify strategies that could help you clear your name and put this challenge behind you.
Sex Crimes
The embarrassment and shame of sex crimes charges can quickly transition into a conviction, requiring you to register as a sex offender in Texas. Randall can protect your legal rights and work diligently to help you overcome this threat to your future.
Assault & Murder
A conviction for murder or aggravated assault can put you in prison for decades or even life. You need a criminal defense lawyer who understands what you have at stake, and who will act quickly to defend your legal rights and ensure the fair trial you are entitled to.
A criminal defense attorney in Rockwall will have the knowledge and expertise you need whenever you face misdemeanor or felony criminal charges of any type. Do not put your future in the hands of fate. Instead, trust your future to an attorney who understands how to help you.
What Should You Look for in a Rockwall Criminal Defense Lawyer?
You have many options for choosing a criminal defense attorney in Rockwall, Texas and the surrounding areas. How can you determine which attorneys are best qualified to help you?
Look for an attorney who is board certified in criminal defense by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. If you find a lawyer who is also certified as a criminal defense advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, that is even better.
Next, look for a Rockwall attorney who has experience, not only on the criminal defense side, but also on the prosecution. That way, your lawyer will understand how District Attorneys and prosecutors think and build their cases.
Finally, look for someone who will answer your questions and communicate with you proactively, updating you throughout the process.
Randall Isenberg is Board Certified in Criminal Defense by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He is also a certified Criminal Defense Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy.
Randall Isenberg has more than 30 years of experience, working as a criminal defense lawyer in Texas, a state district court judge, and as a chief felony prosecutor. His experience and insight mean that he understands how the system works and he leverages his experience for your benefit.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg offers free consultations and case reviews, so you can ask questions and make informed choices about your future. Contact us to schedule a consultation: 214-696-9253.