A domestic abuse charge is a serious matter that may require a comprehensive defense. If you were recently charged with domestic abuse, the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg may be able to help you. The consequences of a possible conviction can affect your career and your future, including serious impacts on your financial, social, and psychological health.
A Dallas domestic abuse lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg may be able to prepare a defense to win your case, reduce the charges, to minimize potential penalties. A domestic abuse conviction may not be eligible for expungement from your permanent record. To learn more about working with a Dallas criminal defense lawyer on your case, speak with a member of our team today.
Understanding Domestic Abuse in Texas
Texas law refers to domestic abuse as “family violence.” In general, it is the threat or action of a violent act against a member of your family or someone you live with or have a domestic relationship with. Under Texas Family Code § 71.004, Texas defines “family violence” as the following:
- When one family member commits bodily harm or injury, assault, or sexual assault against another family member
- When one family member creates the threat that the aforementioned acts are imminent against another family member
- Abuse toward a child
- Dating violence
Each of these categories includes specific definitions of types of abuse in a dating relationship or within a family. Domestic abuse can include violence against women, men, or – in the case of family violence – children. The legal definitions of domestic abuse in Texas are very specific but also cover a lot of ground. Almost any threatening or harmful act against a qualifying person could count.
It is not always easy to define whether a “domestic” or “family” relationship exists in these cases. In general, Texas law may consider it domestic abuse if the alleged victim is:
- A member of your family
- Someone who lives in your household
- The other parent of your child
- A former partner or spouse
- Someone you have or had an ongoing, intimate relationship with
This is an important component of these cases. Without the previously established relationship, the consequences of a conviction are usually not as severe. The courts generally consider aggravating circumstances in these cases when determining sentencing, as well.
Dating Violence
In some cases, someone you have been dating may accuse you of violence. There are rules in place to determine whether this is domestic violence. Per Texas Family Code § 71.0021, dating violence may occur when:
- The victim is a protective order applicant
- The victim is or was a dating partner or spouse of the accused
- The accused threatened or harmed the victim physically, caused bodily injury, or sexually assaulted them
The dating relationship between the accused and the victim may be established if it involved intimacy or was of a romantic nature. Other components of the relationship that may be important in a domestic violence case include:
- The length of the relationship
- The frequency and type of interaction between the parties in the relationship
If you find yourself facing serious prison or jail time, along with costly fines and a damaged reputation, contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. A Dallas domestic abuse lawyer from our firm can stand by your side during this stressful time. We help our clients by protecting their rights and holding prosecutors to a strict burden of proof. You do not have to face your charges alone.
Misdemeanors and Felonies
Depending upon the charges, you may face a misdemeanor or felony conviction if found guilty or after entering a guilty plea. The penalties for a misdemeanor domestic abuse charge may include jail time and fines. A felony conviction can result in prison time, along with fines.
Any type of conviction can cause serious harm to your reputation and professional career as well. A conviction for domestic abuse may stay with you long after you serve your time and pay your fines. This can include financial, social, and family effects. It could jeopardize child custody or your ability to get a job, rent an apartment, or get some occupational licenses.
For a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today. We may be able to help you avoid the worst possible outcomes in your case and even clear your name if you were falsely accused. We work with clients who face allegations like yours every day and can frequently help them get a more positive outcome in their case.
Randall B. Isenberg Understands Both Sides of the Law
As a former State District Trial Judge and former Senior Chief Felony Prosecutor, Randall B. Isenberg understands how the other side operates when it comes to domestic abuse cases. For more than 30 years, Randall has practiced law and developed skills he now uses to assist criminal defendants.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can help you receive the assistance you may need to support your case. If you need anger management courses, we may be able to help arrange them so that the court can see that you are actively working to improve your behavior. If your charges are completely unfounded, we can also investigate and present a defense to that effect.
Learn more about how the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can assist with your case by reaching out to us today. Each case is different, and we do not believe in trying to apply a one-size-fits-all solution. We will fight for your reputation and future based on the case’s circumstances. Some of the ways we may be able to get a more positive outcome for our clients include:
- Preventing charges from being filed
- Getting evidence thrown out
- Getting charges dropped
- Reducing the severity of the charges
- Working out a plea deal
- Negotiating a lesser sentence
- Fighting for a not guilty verdict at trial
Fight Your Domestic Abuse Charge with Help from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg
Being placed under arrest can be a frightful experience – facing a court date can be equally frightening due to the uncertain outcome of your case. If you are facing serious charges of domestic abuse, a Dallas domestic abuse lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg may be able to support you. You do not have to go through this alone. Our advocates are here to answer questions, investigate your case, represent you, and provide support.
Our team can carefully review the details of your arrest and charges as we prepare your defense. We may be able to obtain official police reports, speak with any possible witnesses, and talk with people who know your true character. We may also be able to work with prosecutors to seek reduced charges in some cases. We will determine the best approach to your defense and help you fight the allegations against you.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg understands that each domestic abuse case is unique. The details involved with your arrest and charges will differ from that of another person. We believe that the actions that resulted in your arrest deserve a thorough review of your defense strategy.

Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg Today
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg understands that this may be a time of great anxiety as you worry about your future. The thought of facing possible jail or prison time can be especially stressful. If you partner with us, our firm can be available to answer your questions, provide you with legal advice, and discuss the possible outcomes of your case throughout our work together.
Your court dates may seem far away. Do not let this fact delay you from getting started on your defense. The sooner you call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, the sooner a Dallas domestic abuse lawyer from our firm can begin working to defend you. To discuss your case with a member of our team and to learn more about how we may be able to help you, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today.