Felony DWI charges carry harsh penalties, including fines as high as $10,000 and the risk of spending decades in prison. You may face felony drunk driving charges if you cause an accident, especially if the accident causes serious or fatal injuries. Even having a prior DWI conviction could be enough to push the prosecutor to file felony charges in your case. A felony DWI lawyer in Allen can help you fight these charges.
DWI attorney Randall Isenberg has almost four decades of experience in the Texas criminal justice system. The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can help fight your case. Our legal team will push to have your charges reduced or dismissed. Our team can also fight your case in court.
Contact us today at 214-696-9253 for a free consultation.
Potential Penalties for Felony DWI Charges in Allen TX
You may face felony DWI charges ranging from a state jail felony to a first-degree felony. The penalties for each type of criminal charge are as follows:
State Jail Felony
- State jail sentence of up to 2 years
- A monetary fine of up to $10,000
- Driver’s license suspension of up to 1 year
Third-Degree Felony
- Prison sentence of 2 to 10 years
- A monetary fine of up to $10,000
- Driver’s license suspension of up to 2 years
Second-Degree Felony
- Prison sentence of 2 to 20 years
- A monetary fine of up to $10,000
- Driver’s license suspension of up to 2 years
First-Degree Felony
- Prison sentence of up to 99 years
- A monetary fine of up to $10,000
- Driver’s license suspension of up to 2 years
In addition, the court could require you to perform community service, place you on probation, and compel you to install an ignition lock on your car. The court may require you to seek counseling or go to rehab, also at your expense.
At the end of your license suspension period, you will face an annual surcharge of up to $2,000 to reinstate your license and keep it active. The state assesses this surcharge each year for 3 years.
Any aggravating circumstances connected to your arrest will subject you to more serious charges. These circumstances could also bring additional felony charges. Some of the most common aggravating circumstances are as follows:
- Having a minor passenger, or a passenger under the age of 15
- Having an open container
- Having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .015 or above
- Causing an accident
- Causing an accident with property damage
- Causing an accident with life-threatening injuries
- Causing an accident with fatal injuries
With a felony conviction, you will lose many of your legal rights such as the right to vote and own a firearm. A felony conviction can stay on your record permanently. Potential employers could deny you a job and property managers could deny you as a tenant.
How a Felony DWI Lawyer Helps You Fight These Charges
Because of the seriousness of the penalties associated with this crime, research your options. Talk to a felony DWI lawyer in Allen before making any decisions or agreeing to plead guilty.
The many benefits of having the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg on your side include having our team:
- Protect your legal rights
- Ensure that you understand your charges and how they could affect your future
- Explain your alternatives and help you select the best option for you
- Represent you in every aspect of the criminal process
- Represent you at your driver’s license suspension hearing
Our team will negotiate with the prosecutor to reduce your DWI charges or dismiss your case entirely. We will build your case with the intent of defending you in court as necessary.
Potential Legal Defense Strategies for Felony DWI
Our team has many potential legal strategies that we can use in your defense against felony drunk driving charges.
We will evaluate all available evidence to determine the most appropriate criminal defense strategies. This includes looking for potential violations of your legal rights and any errors the police may have made. We will also evaluate the chemical BAC test results to identify any problems that could wrongfully put you behind bars.
Reasonable Suspicion & Probable Cause
The police must have reasonable suspicion of your intoxication before pulling you over. They must also establish probable cause before arresting you. If the police failed in either of these objectives, we can use this to negotiate with the prosecutor. This may result in a reduction in charges or a dismissal of your case.
Chemical BAC Testing
Breath or blood testing must comply with established guidelines and standards. We will evaluate the chemical testing evidence. Our team will look for any potential mistakes or violations of these guidelines. If we identify any problems, we can request to have the evidence disallowed in court.
Our legal team will build the strongest possible case for you based on the facts and evidence we have.
Driver’s License Suspension Hearing for Felony DWI
In addition to the criminal aspect of your case, a felony DWI arrest will subject you to the civil process known as Administrative License Revocation (ALR). The Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) oversees this process.
Once the police arrest you, you must request an ALR hearing within 15 days or lose the right to argue against your license suspension. TxDPS will suspend your driver’s license automatically if you fail to formally request a hearing. So, contact our office so we handle this process on your behalf: 214-696-9253 .
For this aspect of your case, we will provide the following services:
- Scheduling and verifying your hearing
- Preparing you to give testimony
- Obtaining all available evidence in your case
- Questioning witnesses under oath to obtain information
- Arguing to the judge against license suspension
During the ALR hearing, our legal team will gain critical insight into the prosecution’s evidence. This will help us make the case against license suspension and help inform your criminal case.
If necessary, we can appeal the judge’s decision to suspend your license or petition the court to grant you an occupational license. Then you can drive to work or school and handle necessary personal business.“Contact us today

Learn More About How a Felony DWI Lawyer in Allen Can Help You Today
Talking to a felony DWI attorney in Allen can help you make the right decisions for your future. The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can answer your questions and explain your options. We offer a no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation.
Contact our office at 214-696-9253 today.