Facing a felony DWI charge in Plano can result in harsh consequences, including lengthy prison terms, hefty fines, permanent loss of driving privileges, and a lasting criminal record. These outcomes far surpass those of a first-time offense, but you don’t have to face them alone.
With over 30 years of experience, the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg are equipped to defend you. Our Plano DWI lawyer will advocate passionately on your behalf, aiming to mitigate these daunting penalties.
Trust our Plano felony DWI lawyer team to employ a robust defense strategy tailored to your unique situation, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way.
Felony DWI in the State of Texas
A Plano criminal defense lawyer can guide you through the nuances of a felony DWI, which may involve multiple DUI/DWI convictions or a DWI-related accident leading to severe outcomes as outlined in Texas Penal Code Chapter 49.
Felony DWI charges in Plano could include:
- Drunk driving leading to injury or death.
- Intoxication manslaughter.
- Utilizing a vehicle as a deadly weapon (intentionally).
- Repeated DWI/DUI offenses.
- Operating a vehicle with a suspended or revoked license.
- Driving with a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
- Driving under the influence with children in the vehicle.
Facing such criminal charges can be daunting, potentially leading to significant jail time. However, you’re not without defense options. We defend clients facing felony DWI charges, whether they’re seeking to prove innocence or reduce and dismiss their charges.
Penalties for a Felony DWI in Texas
Felony DWIs can involve bodily harm, subsequent offenses, or driving with a suspended license, leading to varied penalties. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help address these serious charges. In Texas, potential DWI penalties include:
Prison Sentences
Felony DWI convictions often carry severe jail sentences. Typically, the sentence ranges from 2 to 10 years, but if the DWI caused injury or death, it can extend up to 20 years or even life. The minimum jail sentence is usually 10 days, regardless of the offense.
Fines and Fees
Fines for multiple DWI offenses can range from $10,000 to $15,000. If bodily injury is involved, fines may be significantly higher. Additional costs include court fees, public defender fees, counseling fees, ignition interlock device costs, and a $2,000 annual license renewal fee for three years.
Driver’s License Suspension
The duration of a driver’s license suspension varies based on the offense. For up to five DWI convictions, suspensions can range from two years to life. Reinstating your license may require completing other penalties or waiting until the suspension period ends.
Additional Penalties
More severe DWIs lead to harsher penalties, which may include hundreds of hours of community service, vehicle forfeiture, or mandatory alcohol addiction treatment programs.
An attorney can aggressively defend against felony DWI charges, working to reduce or dismiss your charges and minimize jail sentences.
Texas Third DWI as a Felony
In Texas, a third DWI offense is classified as a felony. The potential penalties for this serious charge are severe and highlight the importance of a strong legal defense. Consequences can include:
- A prison sentence ranging from two to 10 years,
- Fines reaching up to $10,000,
- License suspension for up to two years,
- Mandatory alcohol education programs,
- An annual surcharge of up to $2,000 to retain your license, and
- Installation of an ignition interlock device (IID).
Given the gravity of these penalties, securing effective legal defense is crucial to protect your rights and future.
Collateral Consequences of a Felony DWI
A felony conviction carries long-lasting repercussions beyond the initial punishment. In Texas, such a conviction can limit several fundamental rights:
- The right to vote while incarcerated,
- The right to serve on a jury,
- The right to own or possess a firearm.
Additionally, having a felony record can create significant obstacles in finding employment, securing housing, and accessing certain benefits or scholarships. These collateral consequences can affect your life for years after completing your sentence.

Fighting a Felony DWI Charge
Our lawyers know Plano DWI law. We provide robust legal defense for those facing Plano DWI charges. Our approach includes:
- Analyzing field sobriety tests and BAC results: We scrutinize the police officer’s administration of field sobriety tests and review BAC test results for any discrepancies or procedural errors.
- Investigating your case: Gathering crucial evidence, interviewing witnesses, and examining all aspects of your arrest to build a solid defense.
- Developing a defense strategy: Preparing a detailed and customized defense against the prosecution’s charges.
- Providing ongoing legal counsel: Guiding you through every step of the litigation process with clear and consistent communication.
- Advocating on your behalf: Representing you in court to seek the most favorable outcome, whether that means getting your case dismissed or reducing the charges.
Our team will tediously review how your case was handled by the police officer and other involved parties. By identifying weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, we can work with the courts to pursue a favorable outcome.

Options When Facing a Felony DWI Charge
A Plano Felony DWI attorney can provide the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions about your defense. In a felony DWI case, several options are available to you, including:
Plead Innocent
If you are innocent of the charges, our legal team will diligently work to build a strong defense. We will scrutinize the details of your case, ensuring that all proper procedures were followed, and challenge the prosecution’s claims to secure a fair trial for you.
Plea Bargain
Should you decide to pursue a plea bargain, we will negotiate with the prosecuting attorney or the court to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Our objective is to reduce the charges and minimize the potential penalties you face.
Dismiss the Charges
In some cases, we may identify grounds for having your charges dismissed. This can occur if law enforcement or the prosecution failed to follow proper procedures or mishandled evidence. We will explore all avenues to get the charges thrown out by the judge.
Plead Guilty With No Conditions
You also have the option to plead guilty to the charges without any conditions. While this is less common, we will ensure you understand the implications and potential outcomes of this choice.
Comprehensive Legal Counsel
Understanding your options in a Plano DWI case is crucial. Our law firm will provide thorough and compassionate legal counsel, ensuring you are fully aware of all possible courses of action and their consequences.
With a strategic and tailored approach, we will help you work through the details of your Plano felony DWI case, offering the experience and dedication necessary to protect your future.
A Plano Felony DWI Lawyer in Your Corner
If you have been charged with a felony DWI, a felony DWI lawyer in Plano can provide the defense you need. With over 30 years of experience, our team has successfully fought many cases like yours. We are passionate about aggressively defending your rights.
Our team will investigate your case thoroughly, ensuring all proper procedures were followed. We scrutinize every detail, from field sobriety tests to evidence handling, to find discrepancies that could benefit your defense. This careful approach allows us to build a strong, tailored defense strategy.
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for you. Whether negotiating a plea bargain, seeking a dismissal, or taking your case to trial, we will advocate tirelessly on your behalf. You can count on us to have your back.