Were you accused of driving while intoxicated after you were involved in a car accident or wreck that led to an injury? On its own, a DWI can carry hefty criminal penalties and fines. A DWI that leads to a vehicle or pedestrian accident that caused injuries to others can increase fines and penalties. It can also have other unwanted consequences.
An arrest or conviction for DWI has the potential to:
- Damage your reputation or standing in your community
- Leave a blemish on your professional reputation
- Prevent you from seeking certain types of employment
- Cause the temporary or permanent loss of your driver’s license
If you need assistance and guidance to fight back against a DWI, contact the client care team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. A Lewisville DWI involving an accident, wreck, or injury lawyer may be able to help you reach a plea arrangement or take other steps to avoid a DWI conviction. Call (214) 696-9253 to reach a member of the legal team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg immediately.
DWI Penalties When Injuries Occur
Were you involved in a DWI that caused an accident and led to someone else being injured? If so, a lawyer in your area can help you understand the potential penalties you are facing.
In addition to potentially losing your driver’s license for DWI, as outlined by the Texas Department of Safety, if the accident you were involved in led to serious injuries for someone else, the criminal charge you face could be elevated from a misdemeanor to a felony, according to Texas Penal Code Section 49.07. In addition, if you were involved in a car accident and received a DWI and are convicted, your record can never be sealed. The potential ability of a lawyer to help you fight to avoid a DWI conviction is only one of many reasons you may want to consider hiring a local lawyer.
An arrest, let alone a conviction, for DWI could leave a social and professional stain on your name and on your family. A lawyer in your area can help you fight back against a DWI conviction.
DWI Penalties in Texas
Even when no one is injured, you could face criminal penalties and unwanted interruptions to your life and to your routine due to an arrest. A DWI conviction in Lewisville could carry the following criminal penalties:
- The amount of time you could spend in jail for a first-time DWI can range from three days to as many as six months with no mandatory minimum
- The amount of time you could spend in jail for a second DWI increases to between a month and a year, with a minimum requirement of 3 days of incarceration after conviction
- If you are arrested for DWI and an open container of alcohol is found in your car during your arrest, the offense you are charged with escalates from a Class B misdemeanor to a Class A misdemeanor, which includes incarceration
- If you are arrested for DWI and your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.15 or higher, the offense you are charged with escalates from a Class B misdemeanor to a Class A misdemeanor
Any amount of time in jail after a DWI conviction has the potential to derail your job, cause you to miss time from school, and force you to spend time away from your family. Find out how a lawyer near you may be able to help minimize the damage of a DWI and help you limit or eliminate any jail time.
How a DWI Lawyer May Be Able To Help You Avoid Conviction
When you are faced with a DWI arrest, possible conviction, or any other legal situation that has the potential to threaten your future, you do not have to face that future alone. If you are arrested for DWI, a local lawyer may be able to help by:
- Reading and reviewing the record of your arrest
- Requesting testing and calibration of testing machinery
- Ensuring your rights were honored during your arrest
- Representing you in court as your case progresses
- Negotiating a plea deal that could reduce the charge(s) against you
A single error in judgement should not have the power to tarnish your reputation or have a severe negative impact on your life. Find out how a lawyer may be able to help you preserve your reputation and your driving privileges. Contact the case review team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg by calling (214) 696-9253 as soon as possible.
How Blood Alcohol Concentration Is Measured in Texas
Accurately obtaining and measuring your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) when you are suspected of DWI is an important part of your pending criminal charge. According to Texas Penal Code Section 49, your BAC can be measured using your breath, blood, or urine.
Intoxication is measured at the time of your arrest. You are considered legally intoxicated if your BAC is 0.08 or higher or if you do not have “normal use of mental or physical faculties” because of alcohol consumption. Your BAC is measured in grams of alcohol per:
- 210 liters of breath
- 100 milliliters of blood
- 67 milliliters of urine
A Lewisville DWI involving an accident, wreck, or injury lawyer may be able to help ensure your BAC was correctly obtained, labeled, and measured. An error by law enforcement officers in either of these areas can work to your advantage. Ask your lawyer for more information and share the details of how your BAC was measured.

Find Out How To Potentially Limit the Damage of a DWI Arrest
Do you know what to do after you are arrested for DWI in Lewisville? Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg right away. A Lewisville DWI involving an accident, wreck, or injury lawyer may be able to help you maintain your social and professional standing while limiting the potential harm of a DWI.
Randall B. Isenberg has more than 30 years of experience as both a former prosecutor and state district judge. Put his years of experience to work on your side by calling (214) 696-9253 today.