A DWI conviction comes with hefty penalties; however, a DWI reduction lawyer in Grand Prairie may succeed in getting your charges reduced or even dropped.
Before you make any decisions about entering a guilty plea or making a statement to the police, contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. We provide free consultations to answer your questions and help you make an informed choice for your future.
Contact us today at 214-696-9253 to schedule an appointment for a Grand Prairie, Texas DWI Lawyer.
How Can a Grand Prairie, TX DWI Reduction Lawyer Help Me?
A DWI reduction lawyer will examine all available evidence to determine whether it might be possible to convince the prosecutor to file reduced charges or even drop the case entirely.
To accomplish this, your attorney will search for any potential weaknesses or errors in the case.
We might attempt to convince the prosecutor to reduce your case to any of the following:
DWI to Passageway Obstruction: Your attorney may succeed in convincing the prosecutor to forego DWI charges and pursue obstruction of a passageway or highway. While both obstruction of a highway and a first-offense DWI are class B misdemeanors, the former does not come with the same set of consequences.
You will still have to pay fines and might spend time in jail. However, you may still keep your license and your conviction may be eligible for non-disclosure later.
DWI to Reckless Driving Charges: Although the Texas statutes do not recognize a wet reckless charge as an alternative to DWI, we may successfully convince the prosecutor to pursue a basic reckless driving charge, a lesser misdemeanor charge.
Felony to Misdemeanor DWI: If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was right at 0.15, we may be able to convince the prosecutor to pursue a misdemeanor, rather than the elevated felony DWI.
We will try to persuade the prosecutor to ignore any aggravating factors, such as an open container, a minor passenger, or a high BAC level. If we can convince the prosecutor to forego elevated charges, you may have the opportunity to accept a plea agreement for a lesser offense.
What Legal Arguments might your Grand Prairie DWI Reduction Attorney Use?
Although the appropriate legal strategies will vary for getting your drunk driving charges reduced, we may make one or more of the following arguments to the court.
Lack of Reasonable Suspicion: Before making a DWI traffic stop, the police must have reasonable suspicion that you broke the law. If they did not have reasonable suspicion, the court could declare the stop to be illegal.
Lack of Probable Cause: After making a traffic stop, the police must establish probable cause before arresting you or asking you to submit to chemical BAC testing. All testing must comply with national standards. If not, your results could be inadmissible.
Chemical BAC Testing or Analysis Failure: Breathalyzer testing for BAC must follow established standards and guidelines. Likewise, the testing technician must have state-mandated training and certification. If the police request a blood test for BAC instead, the analyzing lab must meet the standards established by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). If the technician or lab was not certified or did not meet standards, a judge can rule the test results inadmissible.
The same is true if the technician had not recently calibrated the equipment.
Your DWI reduction attorney may also argue that your test results should be invalidated due to certain medications that you take, food or beverages you consumed, or oral hygiene products you recently used.
We currently hold two Intoxilyzer 5000s at our office. This is the type of breath testing machine most police departments in Texas use. We understand how the machines work and use this understanding to establish the probability of an error in your result.
Will Your DWI Case Go to Trial?
Your DWI reduction lawyer in Grand Prairie, Texas will attempt every possible strategy to get your charges reduced or dismissed. However, if the prosecutor will not agree to a reduction in charges, your attorney may recommend going to court to defend you.
Because the prosecutor has a high burden of proof, we can build the strongest possible case in your defense and present evidence designed to impart reasonable doubt of your guilt.
By calling on toxicology experts, medical professionals, or other subject matter experts, we can present expert testimony in court to support your defense strategy.
Schedule a No-Cost Case Review with a DWI Reduction Lawyer in Grand Prairie
Attorney Randall Isenberg has dedicated years to criminal defense, representing drunk driving clients through every phase of the legal process. He also spent many of his 30 years in the legal field as a state court judge and a chief felony prosecutor, providing unique insight into the way that the prosecution builds its case.
You can put this extensive knowledge and experience to work for your case, by contacting the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today and scheduling a free consultation. Contact us at 214-696-9253 today to learn more.