A driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge in Texas can lead to severe penalties that include jail time, fines, fees, a suspension of your driver’s license, and hundreds of hours of community service. However, it is possible to get your DWI charge reduced depending on the circumstances of your case. Plano DWI reduction lawyers focus on helping you get a better outcome by working the courts.
The Law Offices of Randall Isenberg offers full consulting and legal representation for defendants in DWI cases. Let our law firm review your case, discuss your options, and advocate on your behalf for a lesser sentence. Call us today at (214) 696-9253 to get a free case review with a Plano DWI reduction lawyer.
Overview of a DWI in Texas
If you drive while intoxicated (DWI), a law enforcement officer can arrest you and charge you with violating Texas Penal Code 49.01. Under the code, intoxication can refer to two things:
1. Impaired Driving
You are unable to properly operate a vehicle due to impaired mental or physical faculties. Trying to drive puts you and others at risk of injury or fatality.
2. Exceeding the BAC Legal Limit
The legal blood alcohol level limit in Texas is .08 percent. If you exceed this limit, then you are in violation of Texas law. Keep in mind that you can have a BAC of under .08 percent and still violate Texas law if you demonstrate that you are too drunk to drive.
If you exceed .16 percent blood alcohol level or injure someone while driving intoxicated, your DWI charge may elevate from a misdemeanor to a felony. A DWI reduction lawyer may be able to help you reduce your charge back down to a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances of your case.
Consequences for a DWI in Texas
There are multiple potential consequences that come with a DWI charge. The range of penalties that you may incur depending on factors such as multiple DWI charges, if the DWI led to injury/fatality, the status of your driver’s license, or your BAC. On average, the penalties for a DWI in Texas include:
- 10 days to 10 years imprisonment
- Maximum fine of $2,000 to $20,000
- Up to 600 hours of community service
- Driver’s license suspension and renewal costs
- Various court fees and costs
- Mandatory alcohol addiction treatment program
Your life can also be affected by collateral consequences such as losing your job, inability to secure housing, losing your child custody rights, or losing a professional license. You may also lose your right to own a gun or vote.
Do not settle for the maximum penalties. Call the Law Offices of Randall Isenberg at (214) 696-9253 to find out how we can help you reduce your DWI charges.
How We Help You Reduce Your DWI Charges
With the right approach and evidence, our Plano DWI reduction lawyers may be able to work with the courts to reduce your DWI charges. There are several strategies we can use to reduce your DWI charges such as:
Challenging the DWI Charge
You may believe that your case is clear-cut. However, our legal team can review your case to find out where the police officers or prosecution went wrong. We can look at the evidence, speak with experts, and explore the facts to determine if the charges brought against you are incorrect.
Work Out a Plea Bargain
If you agree to plead guilty or “no contest”, we may be able to work out an agreement with the prosecution to drop one or more charges or reduce the current charges to a less serious offense such as reckless driving or public intoxication. A plea bargain gives you a better idea of what type of sentence you can expect.
Request That Charges Be Dismissed
In a DWI all persons involved must follow the correct protocol and standards when arresting you, giving you a BAC test, or prosecuting you. We may request a dismissal if we discover that law enforcement arrested and charged you improperly or if there is not enough evidence to prove the prosecution’s case.
First DWI Offense
If this is your first DWI offense in Texas, we can petition the court to reduce your sentence and find alternatives to jail or fines such as community service, alternate Texas court programs, or alcohol addiction treatment.
We can file for a speedy trial, negotiate the terms of the sentence, and fight for an acquittal. Before you settle for a public defender or plead guilty to your charges, you owe it to yourself to explore your options and get the best deal possible. Our legal team can help you throughout the litigation.
Getting Your DWI Record Expunged
Your DWI record will show up every time a person or company performs a background check. As a result, you may not be able to buy a car, buy a home, or find employment. Although a DWI may stay on our record permanently, the state of Texas may allow you to have our record expunged depending on your circumstances.
Plano DWI reduction lawyers work on your behalf to get your record expunged so that you can get a fresh start. We can demonstrate to the courts that you have fulfilled all the requirements of your sentence and have gone a certain period without any instances of breaking the law. We may also be able to demonstrate how having your record expunged will work in your favor.
We treat expungement in the same way as we do your original charge. We develop a legal strategy that helps your case.

Contact Our Law Firm Today for a Free Case Assessment
Whether you are fighting to establish your innocence or looking to reduce your DWI charges, you do not have to face the courts alone. Plano DWI reduction lawyers are here to help. Call the Law Offices of Randall Isenberg at (214) 696-9253 to get a free case assessment with a DWI reduction lawyer in Plano, Texas.