You can face accusations of driving while impaired (DWI) head-on with a DeSoto second-offense DWI lawyer. Our team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg has over three decades of experience to bring to your defense.
We’re ready to put you first, listen to your concerns, and develop a personalized strategy to address your charges. You can contact a DeSoto DWI lawyer around the clock. Our team may get your charges reduced or dismissed and we can help in court.Find out more by calling or filling out our online contact form.
The Benefits of Hiring a Second-Offense DWI Attorney
You can boost your chances of successfully resolving a DWI accusation by hiring a DeSoto criminal defense lawyer. Your lawyer can explain the charges you face and go over all options to handle this legal challenge.
Depending on your circumstances, an attorney may:
Convince the Court to Dismiss the DWI Charges
The court system in Texas may dismiss second-offense DWI charges if a lawyer shows that the police stopped you without due cause or if the prosecution lacks evidence to show that you operated a vehicle while impaired by alcohol.
Get Your Charges Reduced to a Less Severe Accusation
You can rely on your DeSoto second offense DWI lawyer to assist with a plea bargain in some circumstances. A plea bargain requires you to accept less severe charges from the prosecution in exchange for reduced penalties.
Plea bargains do not always work in your best interests. We’ll review the offers available in your situation and advise you about the best reply to offers from the prosecution.
Defend You in Court
Our team can aggressively defend you in court after a second arrest for DWI in DeSoto. Our decades of experience have allowed us to identify the strategies that work to help in this situation.
Working with an attorney can help you avoid the penalties associated with a conviction, which may include:
- Thousands of dollars in fines
- Up to a year of time in jail
- The suspension of your driver’s license
Additionally, Texas considers DWI charges priorable, so you can face harsher repercussions for subsequent convictions. Your lawyer can provide more information about impaired driving and penalties.
Reasons to Pick Our Law Firm After a Second-Offense DWI
Our team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg has over 30 years of experience helping clients facing DWI charges. We have the training and resources to help you in the state or federal court system.
We believe in providing a dignified defense for all of our clients. We’ll listen to your concerns and offer a free case evaluation to guide you about the next steps you need to take after an arrest.
We’ll stick with you until the resolution of your charges, protect your rights, and stand up for your best interests.
Can a Second-Offense DUI Lawyer Help with License Suspension?
Your second offense DWI attorney can help you protect your driving privileges after an arrest. However, you may lose your license before your criminal trial through an administrative license revocation (ALR) hearing.
Fortunately, you can hire an attorney to set up this hearing and represent you before the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS). You have 15 days to request this hearing after an arrest. Once you request your hearing, it may take 120 days to schedule the hearing.
Our team knows how to handle these hearings and can tell you everything you need to know about what happens at an ALR hearing.
What Defenses Help with Second-Offense DWI Accusations?
Several defenses can help after the police arrest and charge you with a second offense DWI. For example, your lawyer may take steps to show that the police stopped you without reasonable cause.
We can also help with your defense if officers fail to follow correct procedures when administering a blood alcohol content (BAC) test. For example, if the officer waits too long to administer a test, we could use the rising BAC defense.
We know how to dispute the results of BAC testing, as breathalyzers may return inaccurate results. In some cases, we use a sample of your blood sample to perform independent testing as part of your DWI defense.

Our Team Helps with All Parts of Your DWI Defense
You can rely on us to help with all legal hurdles you face after a DWI arrest. We build your defense, help during legal interviews, and take charge during:
Your Arraignment Hearing
During your arraignment hearing, the court will tell you exactly what charges you face. You’ll also have to enter your plea. You can plead not guilty, no contest, or guilty. We’ll provide guidance about how to handle this hearing.
Your Bail Hearing
Our criminal defense law firm can help you with a bail hearing when applicable to your claim. The court system may charge you bail so you can stay out of jail before your criminal trial begins.
You can rely on us to push for a lower bail payment or even a release without bail. We’re ready to provide more information about this hearing when you contact us for help.

Do You Have to Wait to Hire a Second Offense DWI Lawyer?
You can contact a second-offense DWI lawyer serving Desoto immediately after an arrest to secure advice about the next steps in building your defense. Our team stays available 24/7 to help with all the challenges you face.
Talk to a Second-Offense DWI Lawyer in DeSoto, TX
You can hire a DeSoto second-offense DWI attorney from our team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg to build a solid defense. We understand the fines, jail time, and other penalties you could face after a conviction, so we’ll work diligently to help with your situation.
You can learn more by calling or completing our online contact form.