If you have been charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), it is understandable to feel nervous, upset, or even angry. Just remember that a charge is not the same as a conviction and that you still have rights.
Our Flower Mound DWI lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can make sure those rights are respected and fight to minimize the penalties you face. If you want to learn more, you can reach us at (214) 696-9253.
Facing a DWI Charge
DWI is a very serious charge, so police officers are given a lot of latitude in how they deal with suspected DWI cases. They can pull over anyone they suspect of being drunk and demand a blood or breathalyzer test to measure your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The legal limit is 0.08; if your BAC is at that level or higher, you are legally considered drunk and may be charged with DWI.
DWI is not the only alcohol-related charge you could face. If you were involved in an accident where someone was hurt or killed, if you were driving with an open container of alcohol in the car, or if you were driving with a child in the car, you could face additional charges with additional, very stiff penalties.
A final note: do not confuse DWI with DUI (driving under the influence). Though they sound similar, DUI is a charge reserved for minors only and carries much lighter penalties. The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg would be happy to help you, no matter if you have been charged with DWI, DUI, or any other alcohol-related offense. Call us at (214) 696-9253. We serve clients in Flower Mound, Texas, and throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
DWI Penalties
If you are convicted of DWI, a judge will decide what your sentence will be based on the nature of the charges against you and the penalties prescribed by law. As the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) explains, those penalties vary widely depending on whether:
- This is your first, second, or third offense.
- You are facing charges in addition to DWI.
Assuming that this is the first time you have been charged with DWI, you are looking at up to:
- 1 year without your driver’s license
- 6 months in jail
- $2,000 in fines
Compare this with the penalties for a third offense, which include:
- 2 years without your driver’s license
- 2 to 10 years in prison
- $10,000 in fines
These penalties are severe enough in and of themselves, but their deeper implications are even more discouraging. The psychological toll of spending months or years behind bars can stay with you for life.
Trying to fulfill your personal responsibilities without a driver’s license may be difficult or impossible. Finally, having a DWI conviction on your permanent criminal record may impact your reputation, your right to vote, and your ability to get a good job.
Our Flower Mound DWI Lawyer Can Protect Your Rights
Just because you have been charged with DWI does not mean you are guilty, and it certainly does not mean you will be convicted. You have the right to legal representation to defend your interests.
To help you make up your mind about which option is best for you, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg for a free consultation. At no cost or obligation to you, a member of our team will listen to your account of the case and explain how a lawyer can help you. The services we provide include the following:
Investigate the Arrest
The police have already investigated your case and made up their minds about your guilt. Now it is time for your lawyer to conduct an investigation of their own. Among the things they will look for is proof that the police have done their jobs properly.
For example, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has released its Texas Breath Alcohol Testing Program Operator Manual. Starting on page 4 of this document is a long list of instructions and procedures for arresting officers to follow; failure to follow the manual may result in faulty test results, and faulty test results may be sufficient grounds to ask for an acquittal.
The evidence found during the investigation will determine your lawyer’s next steps, which could include any or all of the following.
Bargain on Your Behalf
If possible, your lawyer will help you avoid the courtroom by persuading the judge to drop all charges against you.
If a total dismissal is not possible, they may still be able to argue for a reduction. For example, the penalties for obstructing the roadway do not include losing your driver’s license. Being convicted of a lesser charge like this can save you time and money and allow you to get back to your normal routine much sooner.
Represent You at Trial
If bargaining is not an option, your case may end up in court. Your lawyer will build the strongest possible case in your defense, including documentary evidence, favorable witnesses, and opening and closing arguments.
Provide Honest, Compassionate Advice
Your lawyer is always available to answer your legal questions, clarify anything you do not understand, and advise you about your options. You do not have to face any aspect of your case alone.
You stand to lose a lot if convicted of DWI. Let our Flower Mound DWI lawyer explore and explain your options and make sure that your defense is as strong as possible. Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg to learn about your rights and how Randy Isenberg’s breadth of legal experience can help you. Our phone number is (214) 696-9253. We can take your call at any time.