Drivers convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) can have their licenses taken away. This includes commercial drivers, such as truck drivers. The penalty for driving on a DUI or a DWI suspended license is dependent on whether this is your first conviction. According to Texas Transportation Code §521.457, a person driving with a suspended license…
What Is the Alcohol Limit for a Commercial Driver?
Per Texas Transportation Code § 522.101, commercial vehicle drivers in Texas are not allowed to have any measurable amount of alcohol in their system while driving. If a commercial driver is stopped, and they have a measurable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level below 0.04%, they may be forced to stop driving for 24 hours. However,…
What Is a Commercial DUI?
A charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI) has a lower threshold for commercial vehicle drivers than non-commercial drivers, and may also come with different legal consequences. A commercial DWI is a charge that can occur regardless of whether you were driving a commercial vehicle or your own vehicle. This charge may arise if: You drive…