Leaving the scene of an accident in Dallas, Texas, is called a hit-and-run. If you are caught after unlawfully leaving an accident scene, you could face imprisonment, a fine, or both.
What is the Penalty for Leaving the Scene of an Accident?
Hit-and-run penalties vary depending on how much damage the accident caused. Some examples are discussed below.
Penalties for Damage-Only Accidents
If someone inflicts less than $200 worth of property damage before leaving the scene, they have committed a Class C misdemeanor. Per the Texas Politics Project, such a crime is punishable by:
- A maximum fine of $500
- No jail time
An accident that results in more than $200 worth of damages is a Class B misdemeanor, which is punishable by:
- A maximum fine of $2,000
- A maximum jail sentence of 180 days
Penalties for Injury and Fatal Accidents
The more serious the accident was, the stricter the penalties for leaving the scene. A hit-and-run involving a serious injury classifies as a third-degree felony. It carries penalties such as:
- A maximum fine of $10,000
- A maximum prison sentence ranging from 2 to 10 years
Finally, leaving the scene of a fatal accident is a second-degree felony, which carries penalties such as:
- A maximum fine of $10,000
- A maximum prison sentence ranging from 2 to 20 years
How Can a Lawyer from Our Firm Help if You are Accused of a Hit-and-Run?
With an attorney’s help, you may find it easier to build a strong defense, fight the charges against you, and protect your civil rights throughout the process. Here is a brief summation of how a defense lawyer from our firm could support you.
Investigating the Accident
The prosecution has already conducted their own investigation and decided that you are guilty. Our team can also investigate the accident and your arrest, looking specifically for evidence that weakens the prosecution’s case. This may include:
- Eyewitness testimony
- Footage from surveillance cameras or witnesses
- Photos or videos from you
- Police records
Fighting the Charges
Your lawyer can deal with the charges against you in several ways. They may fight for:
- A dismissal: This would mean that law enforcement completely dropped the hit-and-run charge. You would be free to leave without facing any further penalties.
- A reduction: For example, your lawyer may try to get your charge reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor. As already discussed, misdemeanors carry much lighter penalties than felonies.
At no point in this process do you need to speak directly with the prosecutor or the individual accusing you. Your attorney can handle all communications on your behalf and will let you know if and when other parties wish to convey a message.
Going to Court
With a lawyer from our team on your side, you will not have to worry about making speeches, navigating courtroom rules, and so on. Your attorney can take care of everything, including:
- Submitting evidence
- Locating witnesses
- Questioning witnesses
- Opening and closing statements
Answering Your Questions
If you ever have questions or concerns about your case, do not hesitate to contact our team. Our most important job is to make sure you understand your rights and are equipped to make the best possible legal decisions.
Call the Attorneys at Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg for a Free Consultation
If you have been accused of leaving the scene of an accident in Dallas, call our team at Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. We can help you build the strongest possible case and protect your rights throughout the legal process. You can reach us 24/7, and the initial consultation is always free. Call at (214) 696-9253 now.