In Dallas, a conviction on grand theft auto charges could potentially send you to prison for decades. You will face a substantial fine along with the possibility of probation and community service. You will also have a public criminal record that can profoundly affect your life. A grand theft auto lawyer in Dallas can help. The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg provides aggressive criminal defense for clients facing vehicular theft charges. We fight for your future and the best possible outcome in your case.
For a free consultation and case review, call us now at 214-696-9253.
Penalties for Grand Theft Auto in Dallas
The Texas statutes classify grand theft auto under the general category of “Theft,” defined as appropriating the property another without their consent or knowledge.
Although you may think of auto theft as the breaking into a vehicle and driving away under cover of darkness, you can also face these serious criminal charges if you purchase a car using a bad check, forge a title, or otherwise obtain the vehicle by any fraudulent means.
For a vehicle valued between $750 and $2,499, you will face Class A misdemeanor charges, punishable by:
- One year in jail
- $4,000 monetary fine
If the vehicle’s value was between $2,500 and $29,999, you face a state jail felony, punishable by:
- Six months to two years in state jail
- $10,000 monetary fine
If the vehicle’s value was more than $30,000 but less than $150,000, you face a third-degree felony, punishable by:
- Two to 10 years in prison
- $10,000 monetary fine
If the value of the stolen vehicle(s) ranges from $150,000 to $300,000, you face a second-degree felony, punishable by:
- Two to 20 years in prison
- $10,000 monetary fine
Finally, if you stole a vehicle worth $300,000 or more, you will face a first-degree felony charge, punishable by:
- Five to 99 years (life) in prison
- $10,000 monetary fine
Several aggravating factors can increase the severity of the charges you face. Those factors are as follows.
- You were a public servant at the time of the theft, and the car you stole was under your job-related control
- You were a government contractor at the time, and the car you stole was under your job-related control
- The property owner was an elder adult or a nonprofit entity
- You caused a fire alarm to sound during the commission of the theft
- You disarmed or deactivated a fire alarm during the commission of the theft
You may also face more serious charges if you:
- Have a prior criminal record
- Had a weapon in your possession
- Caused any property damage
- Caused anyone to sustain injuries
- Caused a fatality
Joyriding is also a crime in Dallas. If you use another person’s car, boat, or plane without permission, you will face state jail felony charges – even if you returned the vehicle when you were done.
Tampering with or altering a vehicle serial number qualifies as a Class A misdemeanor, a charge that the prosecutor will typically add on to other charges you face in connection with a vehicle theft.
If you stole a vehicle containing valuable goods, the prosecutor could tack on theft of cargo charges, in addition to your other crimes.
For carjacking offenses, you can expect the prosecutor to tack on additional charges for assault, aggravated assault, or other offenses based on the events that transpired.
In addition to the penalties noted above, you also face court-mandated probation, community service, and restitution. You must pay court fees and costs and attend any educational or counseling programs mandated by the court. You will also acquire a permanent criminal record, which can prevent you from getting a job, getting into college, or holding a professional license.
How a Dallas Grand Theft Auto Lawyer Can Help You?
When you trust a Dallas grand theft auto lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, you will have knowledge and experience of our entire legal team fighting for you.
Our comprehensive legal services include:
Investigation of Your Case
Using our network of resources, we investigate your case and obtain critical evidence to inform the development of your legal defense.
Development of Criminal Defense Strategies
Based on the information obtained through our investigation, we develop the most effective criminal defense strategies for your case.
Negotiation With the Prosecutor
Using any errors or weaknesses in your case, we negotiate with the prosecutor to have your charges reduced or dismissed.
Throughout the process, we protect your legal rights and ensure you receive the fair treatment you are entitled to by law. We represent you in all matters related to your case and provide proactive communication. We answer your questions and ensure that you understand your options.
Although we always seek to negotiate the best possible outcome with the prosecutor, we will prepare your case for trial and defend you in court, if necessary.
Potential Grand Theft Auto Legal Defense Strategies
To get a conviction, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you:
- Did not own the vehicle
- Knew the vehicle was stolen
- Took the vehicle without the owner’s permission
- Had no intention of returning the vehicle
In many cases, innocent people purchase used cars or trucks from Craigslist or other sources, having no idea the vehicle was stolen. But, if the police stop you while driving the vehicle, they can arrest you and press grand theft auto charges.
We develop legal defense strategies based on the details of your case. Some of the most common approaches that we use include:
- You did not know that the vehicle was stolen
- You had no intent to steal the vehicle
- You had the owner’s permission to drive the vehicle
Whatever legal defense strategies we select, we will build the most persuasive case and work tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome.
Call Now for a No-Cost Grand Theft Auto Consultation
If you are currently facing a grand theft auto charge, or if law enforcement has you under investigation for this crime, contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, Attorney Randall Isenberg has more than 35 years of experience in the Texas criminal justice system. Contact us today and let our legal team put this knowledge and insight to work for you.
Call 214-696-9253 now for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation and a case review.