A charge of intoxication manslaughter in Carrollton, Texas is an extremely serious situation. The driver charged with this offense could face jail time, significant fines, and a driver’s license suspension.
Your life could be changed forever if convicted of this charge. You will want to consider hiring a veteran intoxication manslaughter lawyer in Carrollton that has intimate knowledge of Texas state law that’s needed to help you in facing this serious charge.
Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today. We are ready to defend you against this charge. We will fight for your future, standing by you throughout the entire process, including if the case goes to trial. Call us today at (214) 696-9253 for a free consultation.
Understanding the Intoxication Manslaughter Offense
If you are convicted of an intoxication manslaughter offense in the state of Texas, it carries at least a second-degree felony charge. Under special circumstances, the charge could be as serious as a first-degree felony.
Because the intoxication manslaughter offense involves a DWI with an accident, if convicted, under Texas law, your record can never be sealed.
With a trusted intoxication manslaughter lawyer in Carrollton on your side, the possibility exists that you could avoid conviction or be able to plead guilty to a lesser charge. The four most common outcomes in a case like this include:
- Guilty plea to intoxication manslaughter
- Not guilty plea to intoxication manslaughter, resulting in a trial
- A plea bargain with a guilty plea to a lesser charge
- A dismissal of the intoxication manslaughter charge
Our team offers a free consultation to discuss the charge you are facing. We will answer your questions and help you understand the options in your case. Call us today at (214) 696-9253 with no obligation.
Understanding Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
In the state of Texas, a BAC, or blood alcohol concentration, of 0.08 is the legal limit. Drivers at 0.08 or higher may be charged with DWI.
Even if you have a BAC below 0.08, a law enforcement officer can use field sobriety tests to determine if you are too impaired to operate the motor vehicle safely, which also can lead to a drunk driving charge.
To be charged with intoxication manslaughter, you must be driving drunk and subsequently cause an accident where one or more people are killed. The person who was killed could be another driver, a passenger in any vehicle involved in the accident, a pedestrian, or a bystander.
Intoxication Manslaughter Defense Strategy
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we have a variety of strategies we can use to defend you against this charge, including:
● BAC testing errors: Where law enforcement did not follow proper handling standards or deviated from the testing procedures.
● Actual BAC level: Where law enforcement may have tested you at 0.08 or higher, but your BAC level may have been lower at the time of the crash.
● Cause of accident: Where you may not have actually caused the accident, regardless of your BAC level.
● Cause of death: Where the person who was killed in the incident died because of reasons other than the vehicle accident.
Depending on circumstances and the facts of your particular case, our team may employ other strategies.
Using our resources and abilities to investigate the facts in the case, we may uncover errors that law enforcement made that could benefit you at trial or in negotiations with prosecutors for a potential dismissal or reduction of your charges.
Determining Your Options
Should you hire us, we will make sure you understand all of the charges and potential penalties in your case. This can be an overwhelming situation, but it is vital to be clear about what you are facing.
With this information in hand, you will have a better chance of making informed decisions on how you want to proceed in the case.
We will then guide you through the legal process, including meeting with law enforcement personnel and prosecutors. If the case goes to trial, we will be at your side.
Contact Us Today About Your Intoxication Manslaughter Case
If you are facing a charge of intoxication manslaughter, you will want to talk to a criminal defense lawyer. A smart, detailed defense strategy may help to protect your future.
Look for a veteran intoxication manslaughter lawyer in Carrollton to come up with the best defense, based on the facts in your case.
Do not let this charge proceed without taking action to defend yourself. Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg as soon as possible at (214) 696-9253. We will take the time to answer any questions you may have during a free consultation, where you are under no obligation to hire us.