If the police or another law enforcement agency accused you of murder, want to question you about a murder, or arrested you for murder, you need to take action right away. Hiring a murder lawyer in Irving, TX is crucial in ensuring your rights remain protected and you get the most favorable outcome based on the facts of your case.
Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg for help with your case. You can reach us by dialing 214-696-9253. We can fight the allegations against you and may be able to prevent charges from being filed. Alternatively, we can aggressively fight the charges you face and implement a robust defense on your behalf.
Understanding Murder Charges and Possible Penalties as Defined by Texas Law
While Texas law defines four types of homicide, only two are considered murder. This includes:
Murder occurs when someone intentionally takes the life of another person, or when you engage in reckless behavior that can — and does — take their life. Murder is generally a first-degree felony. Penalties for a murder conviction depend heavily on the facts of the case but may include:
- Between 5 and 99 years in state prison; and
- A fine of up to $10,000.
Capital Murder
Capital murder is a capital felony, the most serious of all crimes in Texas. There are several ways someone can commit capital murder, including:
- Intentionally killing a police officer or other first responder; or
- Intentionally killing someone during the commission of another serious crime such as kidnapping, rape, arson, or robbery; or
- Killing someone for money or hiring someone to kill another person; or
- Intentionally killing more than one person.
The penalties if convicted of capital murder may include:
- The death penalty;
- Life in prison without parole; or
- Life in prison with the possibility of parole
Let the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg Fight for You
Criminal defense attorney Randall Isenberg knows how to navigate the criminal justice system. He knows how the courts handle capital and first-degree felonies, and he knows how to defend against the tactics prosecutors use in these cases. That is because he used to do it himself. He is a former Senior Chief Felony Prosecutor and State District Trial Judge, and now he fights for those who stand accused of these serious violent crimes.
Randall and his team know the best way to approach these cases and can build a strong defense on your behalf, while also protecting your rights and ensuring you get fair treatment in the courts and during your trial.
Let Us Get Involved Early
Give us a call before you agree to discuss the case with the police or participate in an interrogation. You have the right not to cooperate and wait on your attorney, and this will not implicate you in the crime.
We can help you decide if you want to assist with the investigation, what you want to tell them, and what type of questions you should answer. We can also accompany you to these interrogations and ensure you have representation every step of the way.
We Will Investigate Your Case Ourselves
We know how the prosecution collects evidence and builds a case against those they accuse of these serious crimes. The best way we can build a strong defense is investigating the case in the same way. This means not only investigating the crime itself, but also looking at the police work, how they conducted their investigation and gathered evidence, and how they handled any forensic evidence in the case.
When you rely on the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg to pursue justice in your Irving murder case, you can trust a murder lawyer in Irving, TX to aggressively pursue the most favorable outcome available. Call us today at 214-696-9253.
We Will Employ a Strong Defense Strategy in Your Irving Murder Case
The sooner we can go to work on your case, the better. We like to get started before they arrest you and long before you face charges. While we can still help after your arrest, we have more options for giving you the support and guidance you need if we are there from the very beginning.
We recommend giving us a call as soon as you realize you may be a person of interest to police. This may be when you learn about the investigation or when they ask to speak with you about the case. When we get to work early, we may be able to clear your name before they ever file charges against you.
Even if we cannot clear your name, we can get a head start on building an aggressive defense that helps us:
- Secure reduced charges, often manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide
- Negotiate a reduced sentence
- Make it difficult for prosecutors to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt
Depending on what we uncover about how the police handled the investigation, we may also be able to get evidence barred from court or take other steps to weaken the case against you.
Discuss Your Case with a Murder Lawyer in Irving Today
Murder attorney Randall B, Isenberg and the team from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can start building your case today if you stand accused of murder in Irving or the surrounding area. Reach out to our team if the police want to question you about a murder or if they name you a person of interest.
It is best to get started on defending murder cases as early as possible. This allows us to try to prevent charges from being filed or to develop a strong strategy to defend you if they do indict you. Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at 214-696-9253 and let a murder lawyer in Irving, TX go to work on your case.