Certifications & Memberships
- State District Judge Dallas & County Criminal Court Judge 1986-1990
- Assistant District Attorney/Chief Felony Prosecutor, Dallas 1980-1985
- Certified in Criminal Defense Law by the TX Board
- Certified by the Natl. Board of Trial Advocacy as a Criminal Advocate
- Selected for inclusion in the list for a Top Texas Lawyer ’06 &’07
- Selected for inclusion in the list of Texas Super Lawyers ’06
- AV® Peer Review Rating by Martindale-Hubble® – Highest Rating
- Licensed to practice law in front of the United States Supreme Court
- Member of the National College of DUI Defense
- Member of the American, Texas, Dallas & Colorado Bar Associations
- Member of the State Bar Judiciary
- Licensed to practice law in the States of Texas & Colorado
- D Magazine Award 2022 – Chosen by his peers as one of the top ten criminal
defense lawyers in Dallas - “Best Lawyers in Dallas” by D Magazine from 2013 -2015
- Expertise Super Lawyers 2022 – Chosen by research professionals as one of the
best DUI Lawyers in Irving, Tx
- Law School:
Southern Methodist University College of Law, 1975-1978 - Undergraduate:
Rice University 1971-1975
Recipient: Hansen Fellows Academic Award
State Bar Admissions & Specializations
- The State Bar of Texas
- The State Bar of Colorado
- Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- Admitted to Supreme Court of the US
- National Board of Trial Advocacy
- Juris Doctor of SMU
Practice Areas
- Drug Possession
- Felony DWI
- Drug Crimes
- Murder & Assault
- Weapons Offenses
- ALR Hearings
- Breath and Blood Tests
- Family Violence
- Sex Crimes
- Probation Violations
- Expunction/Nondisclosure
- DWI Results
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Dallas
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Dallas
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Dallas
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Dallas
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Fort Worth
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Dallas
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Dallas
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Dallas, TX
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Dallas
- DWI Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Dallas
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Dallas
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Breathalyzer and Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Family and Domestic Violence Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Murder and Assault Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Fort Worth
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Expunction and Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Fort Worth
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Plano
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Plano
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Plano
- DWI Lawyer in Plano
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Plano
- Prostitution and Sex Crime Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Fort Worth
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Plano
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Plano
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Plano
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Plano
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Plano
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Plano
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Plano
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Plano
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Dallas
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Plano
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Plano
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Plano
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Plano
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Plano
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Plano
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Garland
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Plano
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Garland
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Plano
- DWI Lawyer in Garland
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Plano
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Plano
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Garland
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Plano
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Garland
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Garland
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Garland
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Garland
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Garland
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Garland
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Garland
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Garland
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Garland
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Garland
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Rockwall
- DWI Lawyer in Rockwall
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Garland
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Garland
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Garland
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Rockwall
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Garland
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Garland
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Garland
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Garland
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Rockwall
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Garland
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Garland
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Garland
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Rockwall
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Rockwall
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Rockwall
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Rockwall
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Rockwall
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Rockwall
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Rockwall
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Rockwall
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Rockwall
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Rockwall
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Rockwall
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Rockwall
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Rockwall
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Rockwall
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Fort Worth
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Rockwall
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Rockwall
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Rockwall
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- DWI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Rockwall
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Rockwall
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Grand Prairie
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Denton
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Denton
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Denton
- DWI Lawyer in Denton
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Denton
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Denton
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Denton
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Denton
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Denton
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Denton
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Denton
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Denton
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Denton
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Denton
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Denton
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Denton
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Denton
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in McKinney
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Denton
- Drug Crime Lawyer in McKinney
- Drug Possession Lawyer in McKinney
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Denton
- DWI Lawyer in McKinney
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Denton
- Felony DWI Lawyer in McKinney
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Denton
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Denton
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Denton
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Denton
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in McKinney
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in McKinney
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in McKinney
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in McKinney
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in McKinney
- Probation Violation Lawyer in McKinney
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in McKinney
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in McKinney
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in McKinney
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in McKinney
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in McKinney
- Underage DWI Lawyer in McKinney
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in McKinney
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in McKinney
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Richardson
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in McKinney
- DWI Lawyer in Richardson
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in McKinney
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in McKinney
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in McKinney
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in McKinney
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Richardson
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Richardson
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Richardson
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Richardson
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Richardson
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Richardson
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Richardson
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Richardson
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Richardson
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Richardson
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Richardson
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Richardson
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Richardson
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Richardson
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Richardson
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Richardson
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Richardson
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Richardson
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Richardson
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Richardson
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Richardson
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Highland Park
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Highland Park
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Highland Park
- DWI Lawyer in Highland Park
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Highland Park
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Highland Park
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Highland Park
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Highland Park
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Highland Park
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Highland Park
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Highland Park
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in Highland Park
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Highland Park
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Highland Park
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Highland Park
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Highland Park
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Highland Park
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Highland Park
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Highland Park
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Highland Park
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Highland Park
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Highland Park
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Highland Park
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Highland Park
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in University Park
- Drug Possession Lawyer in University Park
- DWI Lawyer in University Park
- Felony DWI Lawyer in University Park
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in University Park
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in University Park
- Drug Crime Lawyer in University Park
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in University Park
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in University Park
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in University Park
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in University Park
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in University Park
- First Offense DWI Lawyer in University Park
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in University Park
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in University Park
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in University Park
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Allen
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Allen
- DWI Lawyer in Allen
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in University Park
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in University Park
- Underage DWI Lawyer in University Park
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in University Park
- Expunction & Non-Disclosure Lawyer in University Park
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in University Park
- ALR Suspended License Lawyer in Allen
- Breathalyzer & Blood Test Defense Lawyer in Allen
- Drug Crime Lawyer in Allen
- Felony DWI Lawyer in Allen
- Murder & Assault Lawyer in Allen
- Probation Violation Lawyer in University Park
- Weapon Offense Lawyer in Allen
- Family & Domestic Violence Lawyer in Allen
- Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Allen
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in University Park
- Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Lawyer in Allen
- Commercial DWI Lawyer in Allen
- DMV Hearing Lawyer in Allen
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Allen
- DWI Reduction Lawyer in Allen
- Expunction and Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Allen
- First-Offense DWI Lawyer in Allen
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer in Allen
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer in Allen, TX
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Allen
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer in Allen
- Underage DWI Lawyer in Allen
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Frisco
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Frisco
- DWI Lawyer in Frisco
- DWI Marijuana Lawyer in Dallas, TX
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Allen
- Grand Theft Auto Lawyer in Dallas, TX
- ALR Hearings Lawyer In Frisco
- Boating While Intoxicated Lawyer In Frisco
- Underage DWI Lawyer In Frisco
- DWI Reduction Lawyer In Frisco
- DWI Marijuana Lawyer In Frisco
- DMV Hearing Lawyer In Frisco
- Breath Blood Test Lawyer In Frisco
- Commercial DWI Lawyer In Frisco
- Felony DWI Lawyer In Frisco
- First Offense DWI Lawyer In Frisco
- Second Offense DWI Lawyer In Frisco
- Under 21 DUI Lawyer In Frisco
- Wet Reckless Defense Lawyer in Frisco
- Domestic Violence Lawyer In Frisco
- Grand Theft Auto Lawyer In Frisco
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer In Frisco
- Murder Lawyer In Frisco
- Probation Violation Lawyer In Frisco
- Prostitution Sex Crime Lawyer In Frisco
- Sex Crimes Lawyer In Frisco
- Weapon Offense Lawyer In Frisco
- Drug Crimes Lawyer in Frisco
- Drug Possession Lawyer in Frisco
- Expunction Non-Disclosure Lawyer In Frisco
- Family Violence Lawyer In Frisco
- Assault Lawyer In Frisco
- ALR Hearings Lawyer In Arlington
- Criminal Defense Lawyer In Arlington
- DWI Lawyer In Arlington
- Assault Lawyer In Arlington
- Boating While Intoxicated Lawyer In Arlington
- Breath Blood Test Lawyer In Arlington
- Commercial DWI Lawyer In Arlington
- Domestic Violence Lawyer In Arlington
- DMV Hearing Lawyer In Arlington
- DWI Reduction Lawyer In Irving
- Expunction Non-Disclosure Lawyer In Irving
- Felony DWI Lawyer In Irving
- First Offense DWI Lawyer In Irving
- Family Violence Lawyer In Irving
- Grand Theft Auto Lawyer In Irving
- Intoxication Assault Lawyer In Irving
- Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer In Irving
- Murder Lawyer In Irving
- Criminal Defense Lawyer in Irving
- Boating While Intoxicated Lawyer In Irving, TX
- Breath Blood Test Lawyer In Irving, TX
- ALR Hearings Lawyer In Irving, TX
- Assault Lawyer In Irving, TX
- DWI Lawyer in Irving, TX
- Commercial DWI Lawyer In Irving, TX
- DMV Hearing Lawyer In Irving, TX
- DWI Involving an Accident, Wreck or Injury Lawyer in Irving, TX
- Drug Possession Lawyer In Irving, TX
- Drug Crimes Lawyer In Irving, TX
- Probation Violation Lawyer in Irving
- DWI Marijuana Lawyer in Irving
- Criminal Defense Lawyer In Mesquite
- DWI Lawyer In Mesquite
- Drug Crimes Lawyer In Mesquit
- Domestic Violence Lawyer In Mesquite
- Criminal Defense Lawyer In Carrollton
- DWI Involving An Accident, Wreck, Or Injury Lawyer In Mesquite, TX
- DWI Marijuana Lawyer in Mesquite
- DWI Reduction Lawyer In Mesquite
- Family Violence Lawyer in Mesquite
- Murder Lawyer In Mesquite
- Probation Violation Lawyer In Mesquite, TX
- Sex Crimes Lawyer In Lewisville, TX
- Under 21 DWI Lawyer In Lewisville
- Grand Theft Auto Lawyer In Mesquite