Drug Charge Results of Our Drug Crime Lawyers
PCS (Possession of Controlled Substance)
PID (Possession with Intent to Deliver)
POM (Possession of Marijuana)
February 2025
Possession of Marijuana – Dismissed
January 2025
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
December 2024
PCS Reduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Entered and completed the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Poss MJ>4oz Entered and completed the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
November 2024 Dallas, Tx Criminal Defense Lawyer Case Results
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
Poss MJ>5lbs<50lbs Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
October 2024
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Entered and completed the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Entered and completed Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Completed AIM program and case was Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana – Drug Crime Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
September 2024
PCS Entered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
PCS Entered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
August 2024
Possession of Controlled Substance Entered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Susbstance Placed on Deferred Probation
Possession Marijuana Entered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Possession Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
July 2024
Possession of Marijuana probation violation State’s Motion to revoke probation was withdrawn and client was successfully discharged from probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
June 2024
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
Manufacturing/Delivery Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
Possession Marijuana Placed on Deferred Probation
May 2024
PCS Entered the Pre-trial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
April 2024
POM>=4 oz Placed on Deferred Probation
Man Del PID CS 4G Dismissed
PCS Dismissed
PCS p/v State’s Motion to Revoke Probation Withdrawn and Client was Continued on Probation
PCS Entered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
PCS Entered the Pretrial Diversion Program and Case was Dismissed
March 2024
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Reduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred probation
February 2024
PCS Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Possession of Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Dismissed
PCS probation violation State’s motion to revoke probation was withdrawn and client was continued on probation
January 2024
Poss MJ>50lbs<2,000lbs Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Poss MJ Case was rejected by District Attorney’s Office
PCS Dismissed through Pretrial Intervention Program
December 2023
PCS Dismissed
PCS pg2 DF Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
November 2023
PCS Reduced to a Misdemeanor and Placed on Deferred Probation
Possession Marijuana Dismissed
October 2023
PCS Dismissed
PCS Dismissed
PCS Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
September 2023
Poss MJ>2oz Dismissed
PCS Case rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Case rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Case rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Dismissed
August 2023
PCS Pg2<1g Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Poss MJ Case was reduced to a Class C
July 2023
PCS pg1>1g<4g Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case Dismissed
PCS No Billed
Manufacturing/Delivery of Controlled Substance Placed on Deferred Probation
June 2023
PCS Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Dismissed
PCS Reduced to a misdemeanor and placed on Deferred
PCS Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case
May 2023
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
PCS Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dimissed
April 2023
Manufacturing/Delivery/PID Placed on Deferred Probation
Poss Marijuana<5lbs>4oz Probation Violation State’s Motion to Revoke Probation was withdrawn, and Client was Continued on Probation
PCS Reduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Dismissed
Poss Marijuana Conditional Dismissal
Poss Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
March 2023
Delivery Manufacture of Control Substance Placed on Deferred Probation
Delivery of Control Substance Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
Poss Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Possession Marijuana Dismissed
February 2023
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
January 2023
Possession Controlled Substance Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Entered AIM Program and case was Dismissed
PCS Reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor and Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Entered Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Possession Marijuana Dismissed
Possession Marijuana Dismissed
Possession Marijuana Case was rejected by District Attorney’s Office
Possession Marijuana Placed on Deferred Probation
December 2022
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
PCS (Possession of Controlled Substance) Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Dismissed
November 2022
PCS Dismissed
PCS Case was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Case was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
PCS Case was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Poss MJ Case was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
October 2022
PCS Defense Attorney beat the State’s recommendation of
4 years TDC and Client was placed on probation
PCS Dismissed
PCS Accepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
Poss Marijuana Case was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
September 2022
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
PCS Placed on Deferred Probation
Poss Marijuana Placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Poss Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
August 2022
PCS Dismissed
July 2022
PCS Accepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was dismissed
Delivery of Marijuana 1/4oz<5 lbs P/V State’s motion to revoke probation was withdrawn and Defendant was continued on probation
Poss Marijuana Conditional Dismissal
Poss Marijuana Conditional Dismissal
June 2022
Poss Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Poss Marijuana Reduced to a Class C
PCS Accepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was dismissed
May 2022
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
PCS Dismissed
April 2022
PCS (Possession of Controlled Substance) Deferred Probation
PCS Deferred Probation
March 2022
Possession of Controlled Substance Case was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
February 2022
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
January 2022
PCS Entered into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case Dismissed
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
Poss Marijuana Dismissed
Poss Marijuana >4oz<5 lbs Deferred Probation
December 2021
PCS Entered into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case Dismissed
October 2021
Possession of Marijuana – Reduced to Class C
Possession of Marijuana – Dismissed
PCS – Dismissed
Delivery of Control Substance – Deferred Probation
June 2021
Possession of Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
April 2021
Possession of Controlled Substance Conditional Dismissal
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to a Class C
Possession Dangerous Drug Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Conditional Dismissal
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to a Class C
March 2021
Possession of Marijuana Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
February 2021
PCS Conditional Dismissal which resulted in a dismissal
PCS Case was rejected by the DA’s Office
PCS Deferred Probation
PCS Dismissed
Manufacturing Delivering CS PG1>4g<200g Deferred probation
January, 2021
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C
Possession of Marijuana Entered PTD Program
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
December 2020
Possession of Controlled Substance Entered PTD Program
November, 2020
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
October, 2020
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
September, 2020
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed Motion for Speedy Trial Granted
Poss Marijuana <5lbs>4oz Deferred Probation
August, 2020
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
July, 2020
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
June, 2020
Selling Alcohol with out License Dismissed
Felony PCS Reduced to Misdemeanor
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
March, 2020
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
February, 2020
Manufacture and Delivery CS Deferred
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to Class C
January, 2020
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to Misdemeanor
December, 2019
Possession of Controlled Substance Continued on probation
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
November, 2019
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
October, 2019
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance PG3 Dismissed
Possession of Dangerous Drug Dismissed
Possession of Dangerous Drug Dismissed
Possession of Dangerous Drug Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance PG3 Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance PG3 Deferred Probation
Possession of Dangerous Drug Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
September, 2019
Possession of Controlled Substance No Billed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
August, 2019
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to Misdemeanor
July, 2019
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
June, 2019
Possession of Controlled Substance No Billed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to Misdemeanor
May, 2019
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
April, 2019
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to Misdemeanor
February, 2019
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
January, 2019
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C
December, 2018
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C
Possession of Marijuana Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
November & October, 2018
Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Deferred Probation
September, 2018
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Sub Reduced to Class C
Possession of Marijuana Deferred Probation
Possession of Dangerous Drug Dismissed
August, 2018
Possession of Marijuana Deferred Probation
July, 2018
Possession of Marijuana (Class B Misdemeanor) Dismissed
June, 2018
Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor B) Deferred Probation
May, 2018
POM (Class B Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance (State Jail Felony) Deferred Probation
April, 2018
POM (Misdemeanor B) Dismissed
POM (Misdemeanor B) Dismissed
Poss of Dangerous Drug (Misdemeanor B) Deferred Probation
POM (Misdemeanor B) Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
March, 2018
Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor B) Deferred Probation
February, 2018
Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor B) Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance PG 1>=1G<4G (Third Degree Felony) Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor B) Dismissed
January, 2018
Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor B) Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance PG 3< 28g (Misdemeanor A) Deferred Probation
11-29-17 POCS (Felony) Reduced to a Misdemeanor
11-06-17 POCS (Misdemeanor) Pre-Trial Diversion Program
10-26-17 Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) Dismissed– Motion to Suppress Granted
10-16-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
09-14-17 Manufacturing Del CS(Felony) Deferred Probation
09-14-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Dismissed– Memo Agreement
09-14-17 Possession of Dangerous Drug (Felony) Dismissed
09-14-17 Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) Deferred Probation
09-06-17 Possession of Marijuana Probation Violation (Misdemeanor) Probation Violation Withdrawn/Discharged- Cont. on Probation
08-25-17 Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) Reduced to Misdemeanor
08-24-17 Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) Reduced to Misdemeanor
08-17-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Reduced to Class C- Deferred Probation
08-17-17 Possession of Dangerous Drug (Class A Misdemeanor) Reduced to Class C- Deferred Probation
08-07-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Dismissed– Memo Program
08-02-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Reduced to Class C- Deferred Probation
08-02-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
07-18-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Pre-Trial Diversion
07-07-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
06-28-17 Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) Conditional Dismissal
06-20-17 Poss CS PG3<28G (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
06-20-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
06-14-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
05-24-17 Poss CS PG3<28G (Felony) Reduced to a Misdemeanor
05-02-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Plea Deferred
03-16-17 Possession of Marijuana (Felony) Reduced to a Misdemeanor
03-07-17 Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) No Billed
02-20-17 Man Del CS (Felony) Reduced to Class C
02-16-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
02-03-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
02-02-17 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
01/25/2017 Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
01/24/2017 Possession of Dangerous Drug (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
01/24/2017 Poss Abuse Chemical (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
01/24/2017 Poss Abuse Chemical (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
12/06/2016 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
11/17/2016 Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony) Deferred Probation
11/14/2016 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
11/14/2016 Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
09/29/2016 Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
09/29/2016 Man Del CS Deferred Probation
09/15/2016 Possession of Marijuana Deferred Probation
09/14/2016 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
09/07/2016 Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
08/18/2016 Possession of Controlled Substance Deferred Probation
06/30/2016 Felony Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
06/27/2016 Felony Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
06/20/2016 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
05/19/2016 Felony Possession of Marijuana Reduced to a Misdemeanor
04/18/2016 Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
04/08/2016 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
04/01/2016 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
03/28/2016 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
03/07/2016 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
02/08/2016 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
02/02/2016 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
02/02/2016 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
01/19/2016 Possession of Dangerous Drug Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
01/19/2016 Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
12/08/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
11/18/2015 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
11/17/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
10/22/2015 Felony Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
10/19/2015 Possession of Dismissed, Memo Agreement
10/08/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
09/10/2015 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Pursuant to TPC 12.45
08/19/2015 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
08/12/2015 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Pursuant to TPC 12.45
07/27/2015 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Pursuant to TPC 12.45
07/16/2015 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
07/06/2015 Possession of Dangerous Drug Dismissed, Memo Agreement
06/30/2015 Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed, Memo Agreement
06/22/2015 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
05/15/2015 Possession of Controlled Substance No Billed
04/09/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
04/09/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
03/24/2015 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Pursuant to TPC 12.45
03/16/2015 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
03/11/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
02/09/2015 Felony Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
02/05/2015 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
02/02/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
01/28/2015 Felony Possession of Marijuana Reduced to a Misdemeanor
01/21/2015 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
01/13/2015 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
12/29/2014 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
12/01/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
08/25/2014 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
08/21/2014 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
08/18/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
08/05/2014 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
06/18/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
06/11/2014 Possession of Marijuana Plea-Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
05/15/2014 Felony Possession of Marijuana Plea-Reduced to a Misdemeanor
05/13/2014 Possession of Marijuana Plea-Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
04/03/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
02/27/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
02/20/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
02/17/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
02/03/2014 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
12/09/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
12/02/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
10/17/2013 Possession of Marijuana Plea class C red
10/14/2013 Possession of Dangerous Drug Dismissed, Unable to Present a Prima Facie Case
09/26/2013 Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed, Unable to Present a Prima Facie Case
09/19/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Plead to Another Case
09/10/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
08/12/2013 Possession of Marijuana Plea class C red
06/14/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
06/12/2013 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
06/04/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
05/17/2013 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
04/17/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement.
04/12/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement.
04/11/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal.
04/11/2013 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor.
04/02/2013 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor.
03/20/2013 Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed, Unable to Present a Prima Facie Case.
03/20/2013 Possession of Controlled Substance Dismissed, Unable to Present a Prima Facie Case.
03/18/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement.
02/18/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
02/18/2013 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to class C
02/12/2013 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
12/07/2012 Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
12/07/2012 Possession of Marijuana Plea Deferred
12/05/2012 Possession of Marijuana Plea Deferred
11/27/2012 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Plead to Another Case
11/19/2012 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Memo Agreement
10/24/2012 Possession of Controlled Substance, Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor.
09/07/2012 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor.
08/29/2012 Possession of Controlled Substance, Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor.
08/10/2012 Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor.
08/10/2012 Possession of Marijuana Dismissed, Defendant Plead to a Felony.
07/02/2012 Possession of marijuana, Conditional Dismissal.
06/28/2012 Possession of dangerous drugs, Reduced to Class A.
06/28/2012 Possession of marijuana, Reduced to Class C.
05/21/2012 Possession of a controlled substance and PV, Dismissed no finding of guilt.
08/31/2011 Possession of controlled substance-Cocaine.Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor.
08/15/2011 Possession of a controlled substance,Dismissed.
08/15/2011 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
08/08/2011 Possession of a controlled substance,Dismissed.
06/30/2011 Possession of marijuana.Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor.
04/27/2011 Possession of marijuana,Reduced to Misdemeanor.
04/25/2011 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
04/11/2011 Possession of a controlled substance PG3,Dismissed by Motion for Speedy Trial.
03/24/2011 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
03/18/2011 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
02/15/2011 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
02/08/2011 Possession of marijuana.Reduced to Class C.
12/09/2010 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
12/06/2010 Possession of a controlled substance,Dismissed.
10/18/2010 Possession of a controlled substance,Dismissed.
09/15/2010 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
08/31/2010 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
08/27/2010 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
06/21/2010 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
02/23/2010 Possession of a controlled substance,Dismissed.
01/11/2010 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
01/06/2010 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
12/29/2009 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
10/23/2009 Unlawful carrying of a weapon AND Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
01/08/2009 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
08/25/2009 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
07/24/2009 Possession of a controlled substance, PG3 & Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
07/08/2009 Felony Possession of dangerous drugs,Dismissed.
05/18/2009 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed.
08/20/2008 Felony Possession of controlled substance.Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor.
07/24/2008 Possession of marijuana,speedy trial motions granted.
07/21/2008 Possession of a controlled substance,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
05/27/2008 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
05/27/2008 Possession of a controlled substance,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
03/14/2008 Possession of marijuana,Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
Call or text (214) 696-9253 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form