UCW (Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon)
DW (Deadly Weapon)
UPF (Unlawful Possession of Firearm)
February 2025
Unlawful Carry of a Weapon – Dismissed
January 2025
UCW (Unlawful Carrying Weapons) Dismissed
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Dismissed
UCW Entered and completed the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
December 2024
UCW Dismissed
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
November 2024 Dallas, Tx Criminal Defense Lawyer Case Results
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
August 2024
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
July 2024
Unlawful Carry of a Weapon Dismissed
June 2024
Stolen Firearm Case was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
Agg Assault w/DW Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Dismissed
UCW Dismissed
April 2024
UCW Dismissed
March 2024
UPF Felon Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Dismissed
January 2024
UCW Dismissed through Pretrial Intervention Program
December 2023
UCW Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
November 2023
Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon No Billed
October 2023
UCW Dismissed
September 2023
Discharge Firearm Municipalities Dismissed
August 2023
UCW Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
Poss of Prohibited Weapon Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
UCW Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
UCW Case was Dismissed
UCW Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Discharge Firearm Entered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case Dismissed
July 2023
Discharge Firearm in Municipality Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
UCW Dismissed
June 2023
UCW Dismissed
UCW Dismissed
UCW Dismissed
May 2023
UCW Dismissed
UCW Reduced to a Class C
UCW Dismissed
UCW Dismissed
April 2023
UCW Dismissed
UCW Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
UCW Dismissed
UCW Conditional Dismissal
March 2023
UPF Felon Reduced to a Misdemeanor and Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Dismissed
UCW Entered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was dismissed
Discharge of Firearm Pretrial Intervention and Dismissed
February 2023
UCW Reduced to a Class C and placed on Deferred Probation
Discharge of Firearm Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Dismissed
January 2023
Aggravated ASSAULT w/Deadly Weapon Dismissed
UCW Conditional Dismissal
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Entered Pretrial Intervention and case Dismissed
December 2022
UCW (Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon) Case was Rejected by District Attorney’s Office
November 2022
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Reduced to a Class C
UCW Dismissed
UCW Accepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
October 2022
Aggravated Assault w/DW Dismissed
Aggravated Assault w/DW Dismissed
UCW Accepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
September 2022
Aggravated Robbery Placed on Deferred Probation
AA w/DW No Billed
August 2022
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
July 2022
UCW Prohibited Accepted into the AIM program and was dismissed
Prohibited Weapon Reduced to a Misdemeanor
UCW Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
June 2022
Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon Placed on Deferred probation
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
May 2022
Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
April 2022
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
February 2022
Aggravated Assault w/DW Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Aggravated Assault w/DW Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/DW Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/DW No Billed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
January 2022
UCW Deferred Probation
UCW Conditional Dismissal
December 2021
UCW Conditional Dismissal
Aggravated Assault w/DW No Billed
Aggravated Assault w/DW No Billed
November 2021
UCW Trial Before the Judge and Defendant was found Not Guilty
UCW Trial Before the Judge and Defendant was found Not Guilty
October 2021
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon – Dismissed
September 2021
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon – Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon – Conditional Dismissal
August 2021
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Conditional Dismissal
Aggravated Assault w/DW Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Aggravated Assault w/DW Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/DW Reduced to a Misdemeanor
July 2021
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
June 2021
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
April 2021
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Returned as a Misdemeanor at the Grand Jury
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Declined Prosecution
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Declined Prosecution
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Declined Prosecution
March 2021
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Deferred Probation
January, 2021
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
November, 2020
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
October, 2020
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Reduced to Class C
September, 2020
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Deferred Probation
August, 2020
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
July, 2020
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed Motion for Speedy Trial Granted
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Dismissed
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Deferred Probation
June, 2020
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon NO BILLED
Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon, Family Violence Dismissed
May, 2020
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Dismissed
April and March 2020
Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon No Billed
Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon Reduced to a Misdemeanor
February, 2020
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Unlawful Restraint Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Deferred Probation
January, 2020
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Dismissed
December, 2019
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
October, 2019
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Deferred Probation
November, 2019
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
September, 2019
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
August, 2019
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon Deferred Probation
July, 2019
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon No Billed
June, 2019
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon No Billed
Poss Weapon Prohibited Place Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Deferred Probation
March, 2019
UPF by Felon (Felony) No Billed
UCW Dismissed
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon. Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon Deferred Probation
2008 – 2018 Weapons Offenses Results
12-04-18 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed
12-18-18 Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon No Billed
12-18-18 Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon Deferred Probation
10-18-18 Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Dismissed
09-20-18 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Deferred Probation
04-10-18 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor A) Deferred Probation
02-02-18 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor A) Deferred Probation
10-19-17 Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Felony) Reduced to a Misdemeanor
10-03-17 Poss CS PG3 < 28G (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
08-21-17 Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon (Felony) Probation Violation Withdrawn/Discharged- Cont. on Probation
07-19-17 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
06-14-17 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
04-25-17 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
03-03-17 Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon. NO BILLED.
02-28-17 UPF by Felon (Felony) Continue Probation
02-02-17 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
01/24/2017 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor) Dismissed
12/06/2016 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
11/29/2016 UCW (Misdemeanor) Deferred Probation
06/13/2016 UPF Felon PV, Cont. on Probation
01/22/2016 Possession of a Weapon in a Prohibited Place No Billed
04/28/2015 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed, Pursuant to TPC 12.45
12/15/2014 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed, Pursuant to TPC 12.45
05/27/2014 Poss Weapon Prohibited Place No Billed
05/22/2014 Possession of Prohibtive Weapon Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
01/28/2014 Deadly Conduct Plea-Reduced to Class C Misdemeanor
12/05/2013 UPF Felon Dismissed, Unable to Present a Prima Facie Case
09/11/2013 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed, Unable to Present a Prima Facie Case
04/11/2013 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed, Conditional Dismissal
01/03/2013 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Reduced to Class C.
12/07/2012 Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Dismissed, Plead to Another Case
09/27/2012 Possession of Prohibitive Weapon No Billed.
06/22/2011 Discharge of firearm in city. Reduced to Class C.
03/29/2011 Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon. NO BILLED.
02/21/2011 Unlawful carrying of a weapon, Dismissed.
04/22/2010 Unlawful carrying of a weapon, Dismissed.
02/22/2010 Possession of a prohibited weapon, Dismissed Through Memo Agreement.
02/04/2010 Unlawful carrying of a weapon, Dismissed.
02/02/2010 Possession of a prohibited weapon, Dismissed.
12/04/2009 Unlawful carrying of a weapon,Dismissed.
09/09/2009 Felony unlawful possession of a firearm, Dismissed.
03/12/2009 Making Firearm Accessible to a child, Dismissed.
02/19/2009 Felony unlawful carrying of a weapon, knife in a school zone, reduced to Class A Misdemeanor.
04/11/2008 Unlawful carrying of a weapon, By Bench Trial Not Guilty.
01/10/2008 Unlawful carrying of a weapon, By Bench Trial Not Guilty.