You can incur up to a life sentence for a weapon offense conviction. This is a serious verdict. Additionally, you will likely face monetary fines up to $10,000, probation, a permanent criminal record, and the loss of some of your constitutional rights. A weapon offense lawyer in Allen from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can help.
Criminal defense attorney Randall Isenberg has more than 30 years of experience as a judge, felony prosecutor, and criminal defense attorney. We will fight for your freedom and your future.
Contact us today for a free consultation and case review at 214-696-9235.
The Harsh Penalties for Weapon Offenses in Allen, TX
You may face charges ranging from a Class B misdemeanor to a first-degree felony, depending on your prior criminal history and the circumstances of your arrest. Some weapons crimes in Texas can potentially carry federal firearms charges.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg represents clients facing all types of weapon offenses:
Unlawful Possession
You cannot own, possess, or carry a firearm for five years after a conviction for domestic violence or if you have an active protection order against you. You will face a Class A misdemeanor charge for unlawful possession of a firearm.
Unlawful Carry (UCW)
You will be charged with Possession of a Prohibited Weapon if you possess an illegal weapon or if you carry a legal weapon into a prohibited location. You will also face a UCW charge in Texas if you are caught with a weapon after being prohibited from carrying one. Unlawful carry (UCW) is at the very least a Class A misdemeanor.
Unlawful Transfer
You cannot sell, transfer, loan, or provide a weapon to someone who intends to commit a crime or to anyone who is:
- Intoxicated
- Underaged
- Otherwise prohibited
You will face a minimum Class A misdemeanor charge for the unlawful transfer of a weapon.
Making a Firearm Available to a Child
The prosecutor will seek at a minimum a Class C misdemeanor charge if you left a loaded firearm in a location accessible to a child and the child accessed the weapon. However, you will face a Class A misdemeanor charge if the child subsequently discharged the firearm.
Penalties for each category of charges are as follows:
Class B Misdemeanor | 6 months in jail and a $2,000 fine |
Class A Misdemeanor | 2 year in jail and a $4,000 fine |
State Jail Felony | 2 years in state jail and a $10,000 fine |
Third-degree Felony | 2 to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine |
Second-degree Felony | 2 to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine |
First-degree Felony | 5 years to life in prison and a $10,000 fine |
If you have prior convictions on your record or if any aggravating circumstances apply, you may face additional penalties or charges.
Let a Weapon Offense Lawyer in Allen, TX Help You
You will face jail or prison time for most weapon offenses in Allen. A weapon offense lawyer in Allen at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can help you. We will protect your legal rights and help you determine the best course of action for you.
The prosecutor may encourage you to enter a guilty plea. Let our legal team help you explore your options before you make any statements or decisions.
We will analyze your case to identify any violations of your legal rights. Our primary goal is to get your charges reduced or dismissed. However, if we ultimately defend your case in court, we may choose one of the following defense strategies.
Potential Defense Strategies for Fighting Weapon Offenses
Our legal team will use the available evidence to determine the most appropriate legal strategies for your case. Our most common legal defense strategies in weapon offense cases are:
No intention or knowledge of a weapon’s presence – The statutes indicate that you must carry an illegal weapon “intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly” to warrant a weapon offense charge. We can argue that you mistakenly carried the weapon or had no knowledge of its presence.
Illegal search and seizure – If the police found a weapon in your possession during an illegal search, our team can argue that the search violated your rights. We can then request that the court suppress the evidence and dismiss the charges.
Whatever strategy our legal team chooses for your defense, we will work diligently to build your case and obtain the best possible outcome on your behalf. Call us to learn more about your potential defenses: 214-696-9253.
Understanding Prohibited Types of Weapons & Carry Locations in Allen
What are prohibited types of weapons in Texas?
The Texas Penal Code (TPC) lists a variety of prohibited weapons, including:
- Firearm silencers
- Machine guns
- Short-barrel guns
- Armor-piercing ammo
- Bombs
- Fake bombs
- Improvised explosive devices (IEDs)
- Brass knuckles
- Clubs and nightsticks
- Zip guns
- Chemical emitting devices
In most cases, you cannot legally carry a weapon in these locations.
- Bars, saloons, or anywhere alcohol comprises 50% or more of the revenue
- Betting locations
- Open polling places
- Prisons
- Federal buildings
- Airports
- Sporting event venues
- Schools
- Courthouses
- Churches
- Hospitals
- Nursing homes
- Amusement parks
Learn More About How a Weapon Offense Lawyer in Allen Can Help You
Do not risk your future by trying to handle this situation on your own. When you trust the legal team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg to represent you, you can rest assured that we will fight passionately to get the best possible resolution to your weapon offense case.
For a free consultation and case evaluation, call us today at 214-696-9253.