Prostitution or sex crime charges can cause shame and embarrassment not only for you but also for your family. Getting convicted for solicitation or another sex crime can ruin your life, requiring you to register as a sex offender and making it difficult — or impossible — to get a job or rent an apartment.
A prostitution and sex crime lawyer in Highland Park can help you explore your options and fight to clear your name, legally and in your community.
Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today to schedule a free and confidential consultation: 214-696-9253.
Jail or Prison Time for Prostitution & Sex Crimes in Highland Park
The penalties for sex crimes in Texas all involve the likelihood of time behind bars — either a jail or prison sentence — as well as significant fines and penalties.
For example, prostitution and solicitation carry a minimum of Class B misdemeanor charges. For repeat offenses and aggravating circumstances, the prosecutor can pursue Class A misdemeanor or felony charges.
The promotion of prostitution (i.e., “pimping”) carries Class A misdemeanor charges or above. The state will elevate these charges to a felony if the individual promotes more than one person. Promoting anyone under the age of 18 carries an automatic first-degree felony charge.
The penalties involved with each charge are as follows:
Class B Misdemeanor Up to 6 months in jail
Fines of up to $2,000
Class A Misdemeanor Up to 1 year in jail
Fines of up to $4,000
State Jail Felony 6 months to 2 years in state jail
Fines of up to $10,000
Third-Degree Felony 2 to 10 years in prison
Fines of up to $10,000
Second-Degree Felony 2 to 20 years in prison
Fines of up to $10,000
First-Degree Felony 5 to 99 years (life) in prison
Fines of up to $10,000
You must also pay court costs and fees. The court may impose supervised probation (also known as community supervision) and community service.
But arguably the most severe penalties you will face upon conviction for prostitution or another type of sex crime are a permanent criminal record and the requirement to register as a sex offender.
As a convicted sex offender, your options for employment and housing become significantly limited. You may become disqualified from obtaining or holding a professional license or getting student loans, and colleges and universities may deny you admission.
In some cases, this could even affect your ability to get custody of or visitation with your children.
A Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer Will Fight for Your Future
When Highland Park police arrest you and charge you with prostitution, solicitation, or another type of sex crime, they are not likely to explain just how serious your situation could be. In fact, the police and prosecutor will often press you to answer questions, give a statement, and agree to enter a guilty plea.
Before you make any statements to police or agree to any deal, talk to a criminal defense lawyer.
Our team will ensure that you understand the serious nature of the charges you face and how they could affect your future. We will protect your legal rights and explore every possible defense strategy, to accomplish one of the following objectives:
- Get your prostitution or sex crime charges dismissed
- Get your charges reduced to minimize the potential penalties
- Mount an aggressive criminal defense in court
With more than thirty years of experience as a felony prosecutor, state judge, and sex crimes attorney, Randall Isenberg has substantial insight into how the prosecution will build its case. With an extensive network of resources to devote to your defense, we will work tirelessly to achieve the most favorable outcome in your case.
Understanding Solicitation, Prostitution & Other Sex Crimes
The Texas laws concerning sex crimes can seem convoluted and confusing, but the harsh penalties for a conviction are much easier to comprehend. The Texas Penal Code (TPC) gives police substantial leeway for arresting suspects, even if they never engaged in physical contact or handed over any money.
The police can arrest you for merely agreeing to pay for a sexual act.
The statutes define this sex crime as knowingly engaging in (or agreeing to engage in) any form of sexual conduct for a fee. The fee need not be currency; the police can arrest you for accepting or agreeing to take anything of value (e.g., jewelry, drugs, food, etc.) in exchange for engaging in a sexual act.
Solicitation of Prostitution
This offense relates to the giving or offering of “valuable consideration” in exchange for a sexual act. Again, the police can arrest you for this sex crime simply because you offered to pay for a sex act, even if you did not hand over any money or have any physical contact with the offeree.
Promoting Prostitution
Commonly known as “pimping,” this offense relates to the third-party promotion of prostitution and the sharing of any money that results.
Other Sexual Offenses
In addition to solicitation, prostitution, and promoting prostitution, the TPC establishes a multitude of other sex crimes, including:
- Indecent exposure
- Public lewdness
- Indecency with a child (by contact or exposure)
- Child pornography
- Sexual assault
- Aggravated sexual assault
The specific charges associated with these and related offenses may vary depending on your prior record and the circumstances of your arrest.
Mandatory Sex Offender Registration in Highland Park
Upon conviction for most types of sex crimes, you must register as a sex offender with the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS), where your information will appear on the Texas Public Sex Offender Website.
In Highland Park, your name and personal information will also appear on the Highland Park Police Department website. Whenever you move, you must alert the governing authorities in your new community.
The duration of your registry requirement depends on the nature of your crime. Some offenses require a 10-year registration period while others require that you register for life.

Consult for Free With a Prostitution & Sex Crime Lawyer in Highland Park
You do not have to face this frightening experience alone.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg would like to offer you a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with a prostitution and sex crime lawyer in Highland Park. We will answer your questions and ensure you have the information you need to make the right decision for your future.
Contact us today at 214-696-9253 to schedule your appointment.