Sex crimes related to prostitution, including solicitation, carry significant legal ramifications. But these crimes also threaten to greatly change your personal life after the charges are settled.
Those convicted may have to register with the Texas Public Sex Offender Website, which might make them potentially unable to rent in certain neighborhoods or apartment complexes or may make it difficult for them to finding employment after appearing on this publicly searchable website.
Seek a trustworthy prostitution sex crime lawyer in Carrollton to stand by your side throughout the process and to defend you in court, if necessary. Call (214) 696-9253 for a free consultation with the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg so we can begin working on your behalf as soon as possible.
Rules for Those Convicted of Sex Crimes
Understand that you do not have to exchange money with another person for an act to be considered prostitution in the state of Texas. Under the law, prostitution can involve exchanging items other than currency. Additionally, sexual contact does not need to happen to result in a sex crime charge or a charge related to prostitution.
Depending on the nature of the prostitution sex crime with which you have been charged, if convicted you may need to register as a sex offender in Denton County. Your name may appear on this registry for 10 years or even for life.
If you fail to register, you could be subject to additional criminal charges and penalties, as spelled out in the state law of Texas.
Understanding Reportable Offenses
Certain offenses may result in you being forced to register as a sex offender, whether you have been convicted of the crime or received deferred adjudication. These include:
- Prostitution
- Human trafficking
- Sexual assault
- Sexual abuse of a child
- Possession of pornography of a minor
- Soliciting a minor in person or online
- Kidnapping a minor
- Kidnapping with the intent of committing sexual abuse or assault
- Public lewdness
- Indecent exposure
- Promoting prostitution
- Sharing in the profits of prostitution
Sometimes, the penalties behind sex crimes are difficult to understand. That is where a prostitution sex crime lawyer in Carrollton can help, explaining the potential penalties you are facing, along with your options for defense.
With the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg representing you, we will honor your constitutional rights and defend you in your court case. A prostitution sex crime lawyer in Carrollton will work tirelessly on your behalf. Call us today at (214) 696-9253, and we will begin studying the facts in your case, negotiating with prosecutors.
Creating a Defense Strategy for a Prostitution Sex Crime in Carrollton
Because of the sensitive nature of a sex crimes case, prosecutors sometimes will attempt to talk you into a quick guilty plea to put the matter behind you as soon as possible. This strategy rarely benefits the person charged with the crime. Pleading guilty to a charge like this will greatly change your life going forward.
Instead, consult with a prostitution sex crime lawyer in Carrollton, who can explain all of your options clearly.
Working With the Legal System
We understand that charges related to prostitution and sex crimes can be embarrassing and difficult to discuss. You can count on a prostitution sex crime lawyer on our team to represent you in a fair manner and treat you with respect.
Randall B. Isenberg has 30-plus years of experience as both a former prosecutor and as a state district judge, giving him insight into the justice system in the state of Texas that may help your case.
We will negotiate with prosecutors and will attempt to have your charges reduced or dismissed. We will study your case, looking for areas where law enforcement may not have introduced evidence in a proper manner, which can create a reasonable doubt in the matter.
Contact Us Today
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we have worked on behalf of many clients facing criminal charges. A prostitution sex crime lawyer in Carrollton on our team knows how to craft defense strategies that are tailored to the facts in your particular case. Count on us to stand up for your constitutional rights, even when you feel like law enforcement is not treating you fairly or respecting you. Call us today at (214) 696-9253 for a free consultation.