For those who have been accused of sex crimes in the state of Texas, it can be a frightening situation. Accusations in this type of case can lead to major legal penalties if you are convicted. The accusations themselves can cause significant changes to your personal and professional life.
A sex crimes lawyer at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg is ready to defend you against these charges. Call us at (214) 696-9253 for a free consultation. We are ready to negotiate with prosecutors and law enforcement on your behalf, ensuring that your constitutional rights are protected and defended.
Understanding the Legal Process
Randall B. Isenberg has 30-plus years of experience as both a former prosecutor and as a state district judge. This experience has served him well in his own practice as it has helped him understand how prosecutors treat a case like this.
Behind accused of sex crimes can create significant embarrassment for you and your loved ones. You may feel like pleading guilty immediately to put the situation behind you. Or you may feel almost paralyzed, choosing to ignore the situation in hopes that it will just go away on its own.
While both of these feelings are normal, they will not help your situation. A sex crime attorney can tackle your defense aggressively, matching the work that the prosecution is putting in to try to obtain a conviction.
Defending Your Rights
Your trusted sex crimes lawyer in Carrollton from our team will put together a strategy designed to defend you against these charges, achieving the best possible outcome. Working together, we can create a defense strategy that may include:
- Negotiating with prosecutors: where we will attempt to have your charges reduced or dismissed.
- Checking law enforcement’s work: where we will make sure the police have properly followed laws in obtaining evidence.
- Studying the case: where we will verify law enforcement did not miss key evidence.
- Interviewing witnesses: who can verify your representation of the events.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg are ready to begin working on your behalf. Contact us at (214) 696-9253 for a free consultation.
Potential Sex Crimes Penalties
Being accused of a sex crime in the state of Texas covers quite a few different situations. A sex crime can involve indecent exposure, sexual assault, and many more crimes in between.
One of the penalties that are commonly assigned after a conviction of sex crimes in Texas (TX Penal Code Chapter 43) is a requirement that the convicted person registers as a sex offender with the state of Texas, meaning her name will appear on the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry.
Anyone can search this website. Should your name appear on it, you could find that employers may choose not to hire you or that a rental manager may deny you a rental unit. You also may lose personal relationships and friends when you appear on this list.
A Life-Changing Decision
Do not rush into a decision to plead guilty to a sex crime. Beyond being placed on the offender website, you also may face significant fines, jail time, or prison time.
Charges involving indecency will likely result in a misdemeanor, while charges involving abuse of a child or violence in committing the sex crime will result in a felony. If you are convicted of a felony, after serving your time, you may be denied the ability to vote in public elections and may lose the ability to legally own a firearm.
Discuss Your Case With a Sex Crimes Lawyer in Carrollton
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we know how to create a defense strategy that is tailored to the facts in your case. It is important that each case is treated independently, as certain cases need a particular angle of defense for the best possibility of success.
If law enforcement has made mistakes along the way, this contamination of the evidence can create a reasonable level of doubt about your guilt. Call us at (214) 696-9253, and we can discuss the particular situation you are facing. As a trusted sex crimes lawyer in Carrollton, we treat our clients with respect and empathy. Facing a charge like this requires a stringent defense, and we are ready to fight on your behalf.