A criminal conviction for prostitution or a sex crime in Texas can impact you for the rest of your life, preventing you from thriving both professionally and socially. You could go to jail. You might have to pay substantial fines. You may get sentenced to probation or community service. Worst of all, you might have to register as a sex offender.
Incident reports in Frisco show that prostitution sex crimes are happening. If you are facing charges of prostitution, solicitation, or another sex crime in Frisco, TX, it is critical to have the right legal team on your side. The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can build a strong case and defend you in court. Our lead attorney, Randall Isenberg, served for many years as both a prosecutor and district judge in the Texas courts. He understands how the other side works and uses his knowledge to your advantage.
For a free consultation with a prostitution sex crime lawyer in Frisco, TX, call 214-696-9253 today.
How Texas Defines Prostitution and Sex Crimes
The term “sex crimes” covers a lot of territory in Texas and can refer to anything from public indecency to sexual assault. The main categories of sex crimes as outlined in the Texas Penal Code are:
Prostitution refers to any situation in which a party accepts a fee in exchange for engaging in sexual activity. The “fee” could be money, drugs, gift cards, or any item of value.
Solicitation refers to the other side of the transaction in a prostitution case — the party who offers money or other items of value in exchange for sexual activity.
Promoting Prostitution
Promoting prostitution happens when a third-party facilitates sexual activity for hire. It is often referred to as “pimping” and could apply to an escort service or massage parlor owner, or anyone else who helps set up an act of prostitution.
Other Sex Crimes in Frisco, TX
The Texas Penal Code outlines many sex crimes of varying seriousness. Indecent exposure is a sex crime in Texas, as are rape and sexual assault. One thing these crimes all have in common is that a conviction has the potential to ruin your life.
Because you have so much at stake when facing prostitution or sex crime charges in Texas, it is vital to have aggressive and competent legal representation. A prostitution and sex crimes lawyer in Frisco, TX may be able to help you get the charges dropped, avoid jail time, or not have to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
To receive a free case evaluation with the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg in Frisco, TX, call 214-696-9253 today.
Penalties for Prostitution and Sex Crimes in Frisco, TX
The penalties for prostitution or a sex crime in Texas can vary substantially based on the class of crime for which you get convicted. If your charge is for basic prostitution or solicitation, it is likely a Class B misdemeanor. But any number of aggravating factors could bump this charge up to a Class A misdemeanor.
Promoting prostitution is automatically a Class A misdemeanor, and if you get convicted of promoting prostitution for more than one person, Texas considers that a prostitution enterprise, which is a felony. Any prostitution or sex crime involving a minor is also a felony in Texas.
The penalties you could face for each level of prostitution or sex crime in Texas are:
- Class B Misdemeanor: Up to a $2,000 fine, and up to 6 months in jail;
- Class A Misdemeanor: Up to a $4,000 fine, and up to 1 year in jail;
- State Jail Felony: Up to a $10,000 fine, and up to 2 years in jail;
- Third-Degree Felony: Up to a $10,000 fine, and up to 10 years in prison;
- Second-Degree Felony: Up to a $10,000 fine, and up to 20 years in prison;
- First-Degree Felony: Up to a $10,000 fine, and up to life in prison.
Avoiding the Texas Sex Offender Registry
Even after you have served your sentence and paid your fines, fees, and court costs, a prostitution or sex crime conviction can continue to haunt you. The Texas Penal Code requires you to register as a sex offender following a conviction of most reportable sex crimes.
In other words, with a quick internet search, your neighbors, co-workers, friends, and anyone you try to date will be able to see that you are a registered sex offender. This can have a substantially negative impact on your professional, civic, and social life.
A prostitution and sex crime lawyer in Frisco, TX can fight to keep your name off the sex offender registry and has several ways to do so. For a free case evaluation with the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, call 214-696-9253 today.
Why You Need a Lawyer for a Prostitution or Sex Crime Charge in Frisco, TX
A sex crime is one of the worst criminal convictions you can have in Texas. Sex offenders are one of the few remaining groups in Texas against whom discrimination is still legal. If you are on the sex offender registry, a landlord may legally deny you a place to rent, and an employer may legally deny you a job.
The good news is that the presumption of innocence still applies to accused sex offenders. If you have a lawyer who can create reasonable doubt in the prosecution’s case, you may be able to avoid a conviction.
Having worked on sex crime cases from all sides — as a criminal defense attorney, a prosecutor, and a judge — attorney Randall Isenberg offers his clients a knowledge base that provides the best chance of a favorable outcome.
Our office also offers a free initial case evaluation. To speak with a team member today, call us at 214-696-9253.

For a Free Criminal Defense Case Evaluation from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, Call 214-696-9253 Today
If you have been accused of prostitution, solicitation, or a sex crime in Frisco, TX, attorney Randall Isenberg, and his team can help you beat the charge and move forward with your life. We fully believe in the presumption of innocence and fight aggressively for the rights of the accused. Our prostitution sex crime lawyers in Frisco, TX are eager to get to work for you.
To receive a free consultation with a member of our staff, call 214-696-9253 today.