A sex crime charge can be terrifying. The Texas Penal Code issues heavy penalties, possibly years in prison, and potential inclusion on the sex offender list. A sex crime conviction can quickly destroy your life.
Added to that, of course, is the stigma that the charges alone can carry. Though innocence until proven guilty is a fundamental tenant of the law, too often people are lumped into the “guilty” category immediately upon their arrest.
With over 30 years of experience as a former prosecutor and state district judge, Randall B. Isenberg is ready to fight alongside his team of sex crimes lawyers in Mesquite for your right to defend yourself against these charges. Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at (214) 696-9253 today.
Most Common Types of Sex Crimes
In Texas, sex crimes can include almost any activity that is sexual in nature. Some examples of these crimes include:
- Prostitution
- Solicitation of a prostitute
- Lewd conduct
- Child pornography
- Indecent exposure
- Sexual assault of a child
- Internet sex crimes
- Sexting, especially in cases where one of the parties is a minor
- Aggravated sexual assault
Sexting refers to the activity of sending, receiving, or even forwarding messages, photos, or images that are sexually explicit. This content could be sent using a computer, although it typically happens using a mobile device. Though many teens participate in sexting now, many do not realize that sexting a minor—even when you are a minor—is illegal in Texas.
Public Lewdness Offense
According to Chapter 12 of the Texas Penal Code, a charge of public lewdness will follow if someone is caught engaging in the following behavior in a public place or in the presence of someone who will be offended or alarmed:
- Sexual or deviant sexual intercourse
- Sexual contact
- Any sexual contact with an animal or foul
For a free evaluation of your case with a sex crimes lawyer in Mesquite, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at (214) 696-9253.
Potential Penalties for Sex Crimes
The punishment you could receive if convicted of a sex crime varies according to the crime, the facts of the case, and the deal that an attorney is able to negotiate on your behalf.
For example, for the crime of sexting, a minor who is sexting another minor could be convicted of a Class C Misdemeanor and a fine of up to $500. If the explicit messages are between an adult and a minor, the charges are far more serious, and the adult could face up to 20 years in jail and be fined up to $10,000.
A sexual assault conviction calls for a minimum of two–possibly as many as 20–years in prison with a fine of up to $10,000. A conviction of aggravated sexual assault calls for prison time between five and 99 years.
In addition to jail time and significant fines, a convicted sex offender will also be added to the sex offender registry. This charge can have a significant impact on your personal and professional life for years to come.
How a Sex Crimes Lawyer in Mesquite, TX, Can Help
Just because you are charged with a sex crime does not mean your case is over. A sex crimes lawyer can help you craft a defense strategy that exposes weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.
Some of the specific ways we can help your case are:
- Providing you with 24/7 support from start to finish
- Investigating your alleged crime
- Gathering evidence including police reports, witness statements, medical reports, witness statements, the victim’s statement, as well as photo and video surveillance
If we do not believe we can create reasonable doubt, we can approach the judge and prosecutor and negotiate a plea deal for a lesser offense, which can include no registry on the sex offender list.
Mr. Isenberg understands the negotiation tactics used to work with judges and prosecutors because of the more than 30 years of practicing law he has to his name.
Do not delay: the quicker you call, the more time our team has to investigate your case and start crafting a strong defense that could create reasonable doubt in the prosecution’s case. For a free, no-risk review of your case or to have a sex crimes lawyer in Mesquite on our team get started right away, contact us at (214) 696-9253.