Solicitation, prostitution, and other types of sex crime charges can potentially send you to jail, cost you substantially in fines and fees, and leave you with a permanent criminal record. These allegations can cause irreparable damage to your career, your standing in the community, and your relationships.
Possibly worst of all, a conviction on sex crimes charges may require you to register as a sex offender, preventing you from living or working where you choose and potentially even affecting your ability to have custody of your children.
If you have to face the accusation of a sex crime, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at 214-696-9253 to schedule a free case review with a prostitution and sex crimes lawyer in Richardson, Texas.
Harsh Penalties for Prostitution & Sex Crimes in Texas
For a first-offense prostitution or solicitation charge, the prosecutor will likely pursue a misdemeanor charge. For subsequent offenses, or if any aggravating circumstances apply, you could even face even a felony charge.
If you promoted prostitution, you could face third-degree felony charges. If you forced anyone to work as a prostitute or if the enterprise included a prostitute under age 18, you could face a first-degree felony charge.
In addition to fines and incarceration, you must pay all court costs and fees. The judge could give you community supervision, also known as probation, and require you to perform community service. The judge may order you to attend treatment or counseling. It is crucial to have a criminal defense lawyer on your side.
Required Registration for Convicted Prostitution & Sex Crimes
For most sex crimes in Texas, you must register as a sex offender, according to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (TCCP).
Anyone can find this information by searching the Texas Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) sex offender database as well as the database maintained by the Richardson Police Department.
Once your information goes into these databases, anyone who conducts a background check will see your crime. Landlords and property managers can legally refuse your application as can most employers. You will be unable to obtain or hold a Texas professional license and, if your conviction was a felony, you could lose your firearms rights.
Determining Sex Offender Risk
Upon conviction, adjudication, or deferred adjudication for prostitution or sex crimes, you must register as a sex offender if your crime falls under the criteria for a reportable offense, as established by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Reportable sex crime offenses include:
- Kidnapping a victim younger than 17
- Aggravated kidnapping for intended sexual abuse
- Human trafficking
- Continuous sexual abuse of a child
- Indecent exposure (second violation)
- Sexual assault
- Online solicitation of a minor
- Compelling prostitution
- Child pornography possession
If yours was a reportable offense, you must also submit to a risk assessment conducted by parole offers or member of the Texas Sex Offender Rehabilitation Program (SORP). During this assessment, the panel may ask any question whatsoever, and you must provide an answer.
The risk score assigned by the panel determines how the state will manage your registration and notify local communities of your residence location.
Understanding Texas Prostitution & Sex Crimes Laws
The definitions of all applicable solicitation, prostitution, and sex crimes laws appear in the Title 9, Chapter 43 of the Texas Penal Code (TPC).
Knowingly agreeing to engage in a sex act for a fee. No sexual act needs to take place for the police to arrest you, nor does money have to change hands. Merely agreeing to engage is sufficient grounds for prosecution. Further, the fee need not be cash or currency as long as it has value.
Prostitution Enterprise
Prostitution enterprise is promoting acts of prostitution for a fee. Although these charges will apply if you contributed to the arrangement or schedule of a sexual act, you will also face this type of charge if you run a prostitution operation, invest in the operation in some way, or collect a share of the revenue.
Other Sex Crime Charges
The statutes include a variety of sex crime-related offenses that carry penalties ranging from misdemeanors to first-degree felony charges.
Our legal team can help you understand the nature of your offense, the potential penalties, and all your options for fighting the charges pending against you.
Free Case Review with a Prostitution & Sex Crimes Lawyer in Richardson
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg understand how frightened and embarrassed you may feel when facing sex crime or prostitution charges. Do not let your embarrassment compel you to plead guilty or prevent you from obtaining qualified legal representation.
Our legal team will delve into the facts and evidence of your case to identify potential problems, rights violations, or other factors that may provide the basis for your defense. In many cases, we can use these issues as a basis for negotiating a reduction in charges or dismissal of your case. If necessary, however, we will build the most persuasive possible case to defend you in court.
We offer a free consultation for individuals facing prostitution or sex crimes charges. Contact our office today at 214-696-9253 to learn more about how a prostitution and sex crimes lawyer can help you.