Texas takes a harsh stance against drunk driving, even for an underage offender. A young driver will face a substantial fine and potentially lose his or her driver’s license. But, more importantly, they will face the prospect of a permanent criminal record that can hamper them in a variety of ways.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg understands the importance of helping underage drivers fight these charges and fighting to ensure their future well-being. You can learn more about how an under 21 DUI lawyer in Richardson can help you protect your future or that of your child.
Call us today at 214-696-9253 for your free consultation.
The Harsh Penalties for Under 21 DUI Charges
Texas drivers of all ages face substantial penalties for a drunk driving conviction. However, adults may have less to lose than a young person attempting to get a positive start to their lives.
The Texas Penal Code (TPC), establishes the parameters for Texas DWI as having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or more. For younger drivers, however, having any measurable amount of alcohol (0.02) in their blood carries the potential for under 21 DUI charges, based on the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (TABC).
If drivers below the age of 21 get behind the wheel after consuming any amount of alcohol, they could find themselves facing any of the following:
- $500 fine
- Community service
- License suspension of 60 days
- Mandatory alcohol safety course
- Community service
The same penalties apply for a second-offense under 21 DUI conviction; however, a second offense comes with more mandatory service hours and a 120-day license suspension.
Subsequent offenses carry the potential for a $2,000 fine, six months in jail, and a six-month driver’s license suspension.
The most impactful aspect of an underage DUI conviction is the permanent criminal record. It can prevent you from getting a good job, qualifying for professional licensure, or renting an apartment. If you plan to apply for college, you could find your application rejected, and you may lose the ability to obtain student loans.
An Under 21 DUI Lawyer Will Fight for Your Future
Our team understands how frightening and upsetting a drunk driving charge can be for a young client and their family. Before you make any decisions that could significantly affect your future, we invite you to take advantage of our complimentary consultation and case review.
We will explain how your charges could affect your future and help you explore your options, allowing you to make the right choice for your future.
When you trust our legal team to represent you, we will conduct a thorough investigation into the facts and evidence in your case. We will look for any potential violations of your rights as well as potential problems with police procedures.
For many young clients, we can identify a pre-trial diversion program, deferral program, or suspended sentencing program that helps mitigate the potential damage of an under 21 DUI conviction.
Pre-Trial Diversion for Under 21 DUI in Richardson
If you qualify, we may facilitate your participation in a pre-trial diversion program.
These programs can help young drivers overcome a mistake or lapse in judgment that could, otherwise, be detrimental to their future. You must apply for diversion programs, and the courts do not guarantee acceptance. However, with the assistance of our legal team, we can help you take advantage of these unique opportunities.
Dallas County’s Divert Court and Collin County’s Diversion Program are both designed to provide resources to first-time offenders to help break the cycle of crime. By completing the requirements of these programs, you may successfully avoid prosecution for an under 21 DUI charge.
In most cases, you must meet specific standards to qualify. These may include:
- No prior criminal convictions
- Agreeing to complete program requirements
- No further brushes with the law
If you do not qualify for a diversion program in Richardson, we can explore other options, including voluntary participation in a rehabilitation program or other type of treatment.
Will Your Under 21 DUI Case Have to Go to Court?
Our legal team will take whatever steps necessary to resolve your under 21 DUI case, even if that means building the most robust possible case to defend you in court.
Even if you face more serious charges — such as underage DWI — we understand how to identify potential problems with the evidence or errors committed by the police. We will evaluate the evidence in your case to determine whether the police violated your rights or made mistakes during your arrest, processing, or chemical testing for BAC.
We can use any potential problems as the basis for negotiating with the prosecutor for a reduction or dismissal of your case. We rarely have to go to court for an under 21 DUI. However, if we recommend taking your case to the next level, we can prepare the most persuasive case possible for your defense in court.
Our under 21 DUI lawyer will represent you in all matters relating to your case. He will walk with you, answering your questions and helping to ensure you make the best possible choices for your — or your child’s — future.

Free Consultation with an Under 21 DUI Lawyer in Richardson
Do not risk your bright, promising future by giving a statement or entering a guilty plea until you talk to an attorney who understands the intricacies of an under 21 DUI charge.
Attorney Randall Isenberg understands the serious nature of your situation and our team is standing by to help. Contact us today at 214-696-9253 to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation with a DWI lawyer in Richardson.