Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is against the law and has severe penalties for those who commit this traffic offense. People who are younger than the legal drinking age may also face severe penalties for a similar charge, driving under the influence (DUI), though they may face harsher convictions if their actions led to another person’s injury or death.
If you are facing DUI charges in Sachse, Texas, call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at (214) 696-9253 to hire a Sachse under 21 DUI lawyer to help you with your case. One of our team representatives can give you a free case evaluation to assess what kind of charges you are facing. If you hire us, we can advise you on what steps to take next, such as what evidence you should submit to our team or what not to say to outside parties.
Understanding the Difference Between DUI and DWI
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) typically applies to people aged 21 and older, whereas driving under the influence (DUI) serves as a traffic violation by people younger than 21. That being said, depending on the severity of the crime, people under 21 can have their DUI charge increased to a DWI charge and face those penalties instead.
Texas is a zero-tolerance state, meaning people under 21 can still face DUI charges and serious legal consequences for operating a vehicle while having any detectable amount of alcohol in their system.
Other alcohol-related offenses that a minor may be charged with in addition to DUI include:
- Buying alcohol while underage, including lying about your age to buy alcohol
- Attempting to buy alcohol while underage
- Drinking alcohol while underage, such as while at a party or in a public area
- Having alcohol in your possession while underage, even if it was not yours
- Being drunk in public while underage
DUIs Can Lead to Severe Penalties
If convicted of a DUI, you can face penalties such as:
- Up to a $500 fine
- 20 to 60 hours of community service
- Driver license suspension
- Enrollment in a mandatory alcohol awareness course
However, if you are convicted of a DWI, the penalties can be more severe, even if you are under 21. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS), this type of conviction may include:
- Up to a $2,000 fine if it is your first offense (this value can reach as high as $10,000 if it is your third offense)
- Jail time
- Driver license suspension
Your attorney can discuss which specific penalties you might be facing based on whether you are being charged with a DUI or DWI, your age, the alleged crime itself (e.g., whether you got into a car accident), and whether it is your first offense or a subsequent offense.
DUI penalties can be intimidating, especially if it is your first offense. Do not let the prosecution team intimidate you. You still have rights until you are proven guilty, and you may have viable defenses to make about your arrest or what you are being accused of.
Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at (214) 696-9253 to learn how a Sachse under 21 DUI lawyer may be able to help defend your case. When you call our law firm, you can receive a free case evaluation so that we know where you stand in accordance with the law and what kind of arguments the prosecuting team might make against you. Afterward, we may provide some legal advice on how to move forward and assign a case manager to guide you through the legal process.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg Provides Multiple Services to Clients
If you decide to work with our criminal defense team, we offer several legal services to help you build your defense argument. These services include:
- Conducting a private investigation: We may look into how your arrest was conducted, such as whether you were read your Miranda rights or if the sobriety field test serves as substantial evidence against you. We may also investigate whether other people witnessed the alleged crime.
- Collecting evidence: As part of our investigation, we aim to collect evidence to support your case, such as eyewitness testimony and blood test results.
- Communicating on your behalf: Certain things you might want to say may be used against you, whether as evidence that you admit fault or to showcase your character in a negative light. Rather than put yourself at risk, allow your defense attorney to speak on your behalf when making public statements, communicating with inquiring parties, and discussing terms for a potential plea deal.
- Representing you in court or negotiations: As your legal representative, your defense attorney’s main duty involves arguing your case in an attempt to absolve you of a crime. This may involve presenting your case to a judge and jury or acting as your representative during plea negotiations. Your attorney can advise you on which route to take, depending on the charges you are facing and the evidence being presented.
Have a Sachse Under 21 DUI Lawyer Defend Your Case
If you are under the age of 21 and facing DUI charges, consider hiring a criminal defense lawyer to defend your case. Alternatively, if you are a parent of an underage driver, you can also choose to work with a lawyer to help your child fight their charges.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg may be able to protect you from losing your driver’s license, serving jail time, or having your future stained by a criminal conviction. Call (214) 696-9253 today for a free consultation with one of our team members and to learn more about what a criminal defense attorney can do for you. Our firm’s owner, Randall B. Isenberg, has over thirty years of experience in the legal field, including past careers as both a state district judge and prosecutor.