If your child is under 21 and facing a driving under the influence (DUI) charge or conviction, our team may be able to help you limit the damage to their future. As the parent of an underage driver, you want to protect them from immediate and future difficulties as much as possible. To do so, make sure they understand the seriousness of the charges they are facing and the serious legal consequences of a criminal conviction.
Our team can step in and help your underage child learn to cope with their mistakes and safeguard their future. If you are trying to minimize the damage of an under 21 DUI arrest for your child, you can get from a The Colony under 21 DUI lawyer on our team. If you call our law firm, one of our team members can help you understand the arrest and conviction process, including your legal options afterward. Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg by calling (214) 696-9253 to start fighting for your child’s future.
A Driver’s Age Can Affect Their Penalties if Convicted
If your child is 17 or younger at the time of their arrest, the following penalties and fines may apply in their case:
- First offense: This is classified as a Class C misdemeanor. If convicted, the driver may face up to $500 in fines, 40 hours of community service, driver’s license suspension for 180 days, and mandatory enrollment in an alcohol awareness course.
- Second offense: This is classified as a Class C misdemeanor. If convicted, the driver may face up to $500 in fines, 60 hours of community service, driver’s license suspension for two years, and mandatory enrollment in an alcohol awareness course.
- Third offense: This is classified as a delinquent conduct charge. If convicted, the driver may face up to $500 in fines, 60 hours of community service, and driver’s license suspension for two years.
If your child is between 17 and 21 years of age at the time of their arrest, the following penalties may apply to their case:
- First offense: This is classified as a Class B misdemeanor. If convicted, the driver may face fines of up to $2,000, as many as 180 days in jail, and having their driving privileges suspended for a year.
- Second offense: This is classified as a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted, the driver may face fines of up to $4,000, as much as a year in jail, and having their driving privileges suspended for up to 18 months.
- Third offense: This is classified as a third-degree felony. If convicted, the driver may face fines of up to $10,000, as much as ten years in jail, and having their driving privileges suspended for up to two years.
We may be able to help fight for your underage child and have their charges reduced or dismissed. Call our law firm to find out how committed we are to your child’s fight and their success.
The Impact of a DUI Conviction in Texas
Texas takes drinking and driving seriously. Even drivers who are younger than 21 years of age are held responsible for their decisions and actions. If you are under 21 or the parent of an underage driver, you should know how the law handles underage drinking and driving.
In Texas, DUI charges are reserved for underage drinking. Under 21 DUI is a misdemeanor, or essentially a complex traffic ticket. A conviction following an under 21 DUI can include a 60-day suspension of driving privileges. In some cases, you can be charged with the more serious crime of driving while intoxicated (DWI) instead of a DUI, even if you are an underage driver. That could mean you face increasing penalties. Our team may be able to help mitigate these damages and safeguard your future.
Your Future Is at Risk After an Under 21 DUI Arrest
When an underage driver is convicted of DUI, the damage to their future can be serious and multifaceted. A look at the long-term consequences of a criminal conviction as a minor will show you the devastating effect it can have on the immediate and distant future.
A DUI conviction for a young driver can mean having to pay costly and extensive fines. It might also mean full disclosure of your criminal conviction on your job, school, and housing applications. Young drivers may also face personal and financial consequences after a DUI conviction, such as:
- Vehicle repair costs
- Vehicle replacement costs
- Increased insurance rates
- Losing their job if their license gets suspended
- Difficulty finding employment
If you are the parent of a young driver and want to limit the negative consequences of a criminal conviction, our team is here to help. Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg by calling (214) 696-9253 to learn more about how hard a The Colony under 21 DUI lawyer can fight for your child’s rights and future.
Texas Law Is Tough on Young Drivers
A driver under the age of 21 who faces DUI charges and conviction is subject to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) guidelines and its zero-tolerance policy. The zero-tolerance policy prohibits minors from:
- Purchasing or attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages
- Using a fake ID to purchase alcoholic beverages
In addition to DUI penalties, you could also face misdemeanor charges for non-driving related alcohol abuse and public intoxication. Do not allow the use of alcohol to negatively impact your life. Our team can help you reexamine your past and present circumstances while maintaining your focus on the future.

Put Our Team to Work for You
If you are under 21, or the parent of a driver who is under 21, and facing DUI charges, our team can help. Contact the criminal defense team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg by calling (214) 696-9253 to find out how a The Colony under 21 DUI lawyer on our team can help you look ahead.