Texas weapon offenses carry jail or prison sentences that range from six months to life, with fines as high as $10,000. Upon conviction for a firearm or weapon charge, you also stand to lose your legal right to own or carry a gun. You do not need to fight these charges alone. A weapon offense lawyer in University Park can help.
Criminal defense attorney Randall Isenberg brings more than 35 years of experience to your case, which means he knows how to build the most robust possible case for your defense.
For a free consultation and review, contact us today at (214) 696-9253.
University Park Weapon Offenses and Penalties
Texas weapons charges range from a Class B misdemeanor all the way up to a first-degree felony, depending on the alleged offense and your history of criminal convictions. For some offenses, you may even face federal firearms charges.
Some common types of weapons offenses are as follows:
Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon (UCW)
This charge applies in a wide variety of situations. You may face this charge if you possess an illegal type of weapon, you carry a legal weapon into a prohibited location, or conditions apply that prohibit you from having a weapon. This offense carries a minimum Class A misdemeanor penalty.
Unlawful Possession of a Firearm
After a Texas felony conviction or any domestic violence conviction, you cannot possess a firearm for five years and, even then, you can only possess it at your place of residence. You also may not possess a weapon if you have a protection order against you. This charge carries a minimum Class A misdemeanor penalty.
Making a Firearm Available to a Child
You could face this charge if you leave a loaded firearm accessible to a child and the child subsequently does access it. You will face a Class C misdemeanor charge unless the child discharges the weapon and causes serious injury or death, in which case you will face a Class A misdemeanor.
Unlawful Transfer of a Weapon
This offense prohibits you from selling, transferring, loaning, or providing a weapon to a person who means to use it in a crime, is underage, is intoxicated, or is otherwise prohibited from having a weapon. This offense carries a minimum charge of Class A misdemeanor.
Any prior weapon offense convictions could lead to more serious charges.
The range of charges you could face, along with their associated penalties, are as follows:
- Class B Misdemeanor – 6 months in jail and a $2,000 fine
- Class A Misdemeanor – 1 year in jail and a $4,000 fine
- State Jail Felony – 2 years in state jail and a $10,000 fine
- Third-Degree Felony – 2 to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
- Second-Degree Felony – 2 to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
- First-Degree Felony – 5 years to life in prison and a $10,000 fine
How a Weapon Offense Lawyer Can Help You
Upon conviction for any Texas weapons offense, you will face jail or prison time. To learn what alternatives you may have available to you, talk to a weapon offense lawyer in University Park.
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we will take the time to learn more about your case and help you explore your options. We will protect your legal rights and help you make an informed choice about your case.
Most clients facing weapons or firearms charges must choose between two options:
- Pleading guilty to the charges or
- Taking their chance in court
Our legal team will pursue a third and preferable option first: getting your charges reduced or dismissed. Or, if we can get to work on your case before the prosecutor files charges, we may succeed in helping you avoid charges altogether.
Call us today to learn more: (214) 696-9253.
Prohibited Weapons & Carry Locations in Texas
The Texas Penal Code (TPC) lists a variety of prohibited weapons, including:
- Bombs
- Hoax bombs
- Improvised explosive devices (IEDs)
- Metal knuckles
- Clubs, nightsticks, etc.
- Firearm silencers
- Machine guns
- Short-barrel guns
- Armor-piercing ammo
- Chemical emitting devices
- Tire cutters
- Zip guns
- Switchblades
The following are some of the locations cited in the TPC where you cannot legally carry a weapon in most cases.
- Locations where alcohol comprises 50 percent or more of their revenue
- Betting facilities
- Open voting locations
- Federal buildings
- Prisons
- Airports
- Sporting events
- Courthouses
- Schools
- Churches
- Hospitals
- Residential care facilities
- Amusement parks
Legal Defense Strategies for Fighting Weapon Offenses
Our legal team will determine the most appropriate legal strategies for your case based on the facts and evidence available to us. However, the following are common defenses we use to assist weapon offense clients:
Illegal Search and Seizure
If the police found a weapon in your possession during an illegal search, our team can argue that the search violated your rights and request that the court suppress the evidence and dismiss the charges.
No Intention or Knowledge
The statutes indicate that you must carry an illegal weapon “intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly” to warrant a weapon offense charge. We can often argue that you mistakenly carried the weapon or had no knowledge of its presence.
Whatever strategy our legal team chooses for your defense, we will work diligently to build your case and obtain the best possible outcome.

No-Cost Case Review with a Weapon Offense Lawyer in University Park
You do not have to face these charges alone. To help you make the right decisions about your case, we offer a no-cost case evaluation and consultation.
Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at (214) 696-9253 to schedule an appointment with a weapon offense lawyer in University Park.